(9)Shingen vs Masamune (Masamune ending)

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"This is a duel then" Masamune declared.


"I'm so sorry i put you through all of this (y/n)," Sasuke sighed sitting beside you. "Nah, this is not even your fault," you said. "I'm so stupid, i shouldn't kiss Shingen in the first place. Now i don't know how Masamune felt towards me anymore," you added.

"(y/n), he still likes you, that's why he's willing to do a duel to fight for you," Sasuke assured, patting your head. "Why do they have to fight over me like that? why a duel? can't they just discuss it calmly without pointing weapons towards each other?"

"That's how you do things in this era (y/n), i think it's pretty usual for people to duel over a woman at ikemen period. Plus, Masamune and Shingen are from different rival clan, which gave them more reasons to fight each other,"

"But look at the bright side (y/n), the good side of duel like this is that it pushes the woman to truly decide who she loves. This way, it is clear who will end up with her, and by that, she's not giving false hope to the other guy,"

"Wow, so wise of you sasuke," you giggled.

"Shut up," sasuke said flustered.

"what you said is true though, i still can't make up my mind. Both Masamune and Shingen gave me this beautiful feelings each time i was around them"

"That's not possible, you're only able to love one man, the other is only illusion," Sasuke said.

"What is wrong with you? two weeks ago you're this clumsy left-things-all-over-the-place dude, and now you're wiser than ever about love, or should i choose you instead both of them?" you teased. Sasuke blushed. "That is not possible dumb head," he hit you playfully on the arm.

"Okay, i must admit, i like Masamune a little bit more. Things with Shingen is just way too fast. Masumune motivates me in this strange yet effective way, he have huge effects on my way of living,"

"I used to be scared of doing things such as horse-riding, learning to fight with swords, and so much more. Each time he's around, i feel like i can move mountains, i feel like i'm on top of the world, and it's indeed the best feeling ever," you smiled to yourself. You realized nobody respond to your words. You look around and find Sasuke nowhere to be seen. "Aish, that ninja really," you stand up.

Then you remember you promised Shingen to meet him today at the north of village. deep down you feel that You don't really want to go, but a promise is a promise, you need to fulfill it. As you open your door you see a bright smiled Masamune, you gasped, surprised. "Good morning kitten," he greeted. Does he listen to all the things i said back then? that is so embrassing, you thought. "What are you doing here?" you awkwardly said.

"What am i doing here?, i'm visiting my lady and i figured, it's a very nice day to take a walk,"

"Oh i can't today Masumune, i have an appointment with somone, i--"

"It's Shingen isn't it?"

You silently nod.

"Well that's not happening, because you picked me right?" he smiled.
Darn, that means he listened to the whole thing, you thought.

"How are you so sure?" you raised your brow. "You love me, admit it," he teased. You can feel your cheeks starting to heat. Then his face become serious in a split second. "(y/n), you loved me, right?"

Something from the back of your mind force you to shut your mind. There's a part of you that just want to accept it and say yes but it's not strong enough that you choose to be silent. "You just have to say yes! , and this duel thing wouldn't be necessary anymore," he said pleadingly. Masumune stare at you in disbelief and took a few steps back. "I say 'i love you' to you this whole time, and that is not just a word, i meant those words, i care for you, i'm so in love with you that i say it to you billions of times, expressing it. I guess i understand now why you never say it back,"

"I thought i meant something in your eyes, maybe i'm just wrong this whole time," with that, Masumune leaves you.

You fall and your knees and started bawling your eyes out.


"It's 19 days in totals, Masamune has left for 19 days," Mitsunari declared.

"That man loves you so much huh," Nobunaga commented. You didn't say anything. It's truly devastating to be apart with Masumune under a condition like this. You missed him so much, you miss his cooks, you miss his laugh, his smile, his tease.

"We can't go on like this, someone need to go see him and pursue him to get back to this castle," Nobunaga said. "It is obvious who need to go," Hideyoshi smiled at you. All warlords are now staring at you. "Me? why me?"

"Why you? let's elaborate on someone who makes him leave in the first place," Ieyasu shrugged. "Well i don't know where he is," you looked down. "Oh please, it's obvious, he's in aoba," Mitsuhide said.
With that, you packed your things and take a horse.


You ran through the guard, not caring that they're chasing you from behind. You just have to see Masumune, that's the only thing that matter right now.

You open the door of each room of the castle but Masumune is nowhere to be find. And then you ran around the castle yard, with guards still chasing you. And finally, you find him in a horse stable. He look messed up, his hair all over the place and his eyes patch is not tidy.

He gave you a shocked face before hoping to a horse and ran. "Oh no, don't run from me, ugh," you ranted. You get on a random horse and chase him. Masumune went to the forest and you followed him. "Masamune!!!! We need to talk!" you shouted. "No!, there's nothing to talk about, you need to leave! why are you here, i don't want you here!" he shouted back. He ride his horse so fast but you managed to keep up with him. "You're lying!," you shouted. "What?!" he shouted back.

"I bet you're happy that i chased you all the way here!" you shouted. You can hear his giggles through the wind and you feel very happy, his laugh is enough to cure your devastation.

After a while he stopped his horse near a river. "Ugh finally, let's talk," you said getting of your horse. But then he gave you this teasing smile and started running. "Ugh come on!!!," you groaned and started chasing him.

His running velocity get slower at some point and you catch up with him. You hug him from behind. "Finally, i got you, you can't run from me anymore," you giggled. You hug him for quite a while and strated sobbing on his back. "(y/n), don't cry...." Masamune softly said. "You're such a bad person, leaving me like that, you think i can bear that? you think i'll be fine without you around?!" you're still crying. Masumune stay silent.

He turns his back slowly, facing you, he wipes your tears with his thumbs. "Hush then kitten, I'm sorry, i'll be back at the castle soon, now you need to get back okay? stop crying,"

"That's not the only reason i'm here!" you said half crying.

You take a deep breath. Here it comes, you thought.

"I love you Masamune," you smiled. He took his hands back from your face, staring you bewildered.

"I love you i love you i love you i love youu!" you shouted the last words. "I thought i'd never hear that for the rest of my life," Masamune giggles as he hugged you. "Well you just heard them," you said wrapping your hands around his neck. "Can you say it one more time?" he asked. "You'll have to kiss me first," you teased. Masamune blushed. "Oh my God i made you blush!, this is a score for me" you giggled. "shut up," he said as he put his lips againts yours. Giving you the best feelings ever. "I meant kiss on the cheeks but i don't mind" you teased him again. Masamune is making the cutest face ever, he's really flustered. "ugh, Now that i kissed you, you must say it," he said. "I," you said smiling.


"it's one kiss per words mr. If you want me to say the whole sentences than we need two more kiss" you giggled. Masamune blushed again. "Where did you get this skill, you made me blush twice" he puts hit forehead againts yours. "I was taught by someone who's standing in front of me," . He laughed.

"I love you (y/n)," Masamune smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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