Episode 1: The Beginning

Start from the beginning

Malcom: Drake... We're here to learn, not look cool.

Drake: But... we're in Japan!
Malcom: *sighs* Alright, whatever you say. When we run out of food don't whine to me.

Drake: Ok. So, clothes, supplies, new tech, and that should be it, right?

Malcom: Yeah, pretty much. That's what I just said.

Drake: Hmm... sounds easy enough but one problem.

Malcom: What?

Drake: We can now speak, and understand buuuut, we can't read ANY OF THIS SHIT HERE!

Malcom: Relax, how hard can it be?

. . .

Malcom: I can't believe you spent a month's worth of money.

Drake: Who cares, I got cool clothes. I look badass!

Malcom: Well Mr. "Badass" I hope you can look pretty in uniform.

Drake: No, but I know you can. *Makes a cheesy smile*

Malcom: Well since you alone spent $650 on clothes, I think you're responsible for our loss of funds.

Drake: ...What?

Malcom: We have to get jobs now.

Drake: Hopefully it's not like a generic restaurant we see on anime.

-----Outside a fast food place-----

Drake: The place is literally named Pizone Skyscraper.

Malcom: Shame we start tomorrow.

Drake: At least we have the same shifts.

Malcom: For now, eventually maybe it'll change when we get different things at school.

Drake: Perhaps, so do you remember the address to the new house?

Malcom: Yeah, it's in my wallet on a piece of paper.

Drake: Well, alright let's go.

----The new house----

Malcom: The house looks nice.

Drake: Is the landlord still here?

Malcom: Yeah she lives right under us.

Drake: She? Is she hot?!?

Malcom: I don't know and don't care.

The two guys knock on the door, the ambiance got dark. The door slowly creak opened revealing a very obese woman. Her face was covered with warts, which didn't help hide the stubble on her lip. Her hair was long white topped off with thick red lipstick.

Malcom: What the fuck is that!!

Drake: *Throws up on ground*

???: *Looks at Drake seductively* Well hello there, may I help you?

Drake: Fuck this, I'm upstairs.

Malcom: ...Anyways, we're here for the building upstairs.

???: Oh you must be looking for my daughter. Sayaka Rinmaru!!!

The girl squeezed past the old hag who was the exact opposite.

Sayaka: Oh hello you must be Malcom, and where's your friend.

Malcom looks at Drake throwing up shaking his head no. Malcom signaled him to come down. Realizing that it was important (Not really) he jumped over the fence, however it was from the balcony so Drake face plants the floor.

Malcom: There he is.

Sayaka: So you guys are partners?

Malcom: What no no no.

Drake: Yeah we're here for school.

Sayaka: Oh you guys just look like....

Drake: I'm buying new clothes.

Sayaka: Anyway the rent is $400 upfront each month.

Malcom: Yes here ya go and the down payment was $200 right?

Hag: Don't worry boys I got this.

Sayaka: Mom what are you doing?

Hag: These young....*Looks at Drake* handsome men are probably going bankrupt for paying all this and going to school. If we want a...*Looks up a down at the two boys* professional relationship we need to fully understand their.....situation.

Malcom: *Whispers to Drake* Is she flirting with us?

Drake: *Trying not to vomit again*.

Sayaka: *Rolls eyes* Here are the keys. Enjoy your stay.

Hag: I hope we won't have problems and we can get to know each other......*Whispers* intimately.

Malcom: *Grabs the keys* Thank you!

----Inside new house----

Malcom: *Throws up in toilet* Dear God!!!

Drake: I have to wash away what I saw!!!! *Splashes soap in eyes* Malcom it's not working!!!


Malcom: I can't believe we have work tomorrow.

Drake: I can feel her watching us *Hides deeply in futon*

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