Gamer moments.

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I want to eat the slime block from Minecraft. It look like a delicious gummy and i would like nothing more than to bite into it as possible green apple or maybe pear flavors burst onto my taste buds. The texture of the slime block has to be one of the best to ever slice your teeth into. All i'm asking for is for someone to make this slime block, that i may enjoy it. 

Last night I was out poke-walking with my brother until 5am. There was no one at Buckingham palace at 3am. Who the hell kept instantly taking the gyms with stacks of super levelled pokemon??? seriously is there some kind of underground security? if so why the hell are they playing Pokemon go!

Parkinsons disease? Nah, I'm a gamer, my hand is just lagging 😎🎮

 So you're a console pleb? Ha, should've figured as much. You have no idea what my pc is capable of, let alone the iq to understand it.

My gaming machine has an intel i10 10000k with DUAL, yes DUAL RTX 2090s. They're not even available to the public yet. My dad works for NVIDIA so I have those perks.

I have 264 GB of RAM to render my 8k 4D Hentai in mere seconds, and did I forget to mention, I have gamer girl piss cooling? That's right, motherfucker.

So next time you want to show off with your shitty console, think about my PC and how great my life is compared to yours. PC Master Race.

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