Kid you just got nae naed on

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w/WOW w/kid you just got w/WOOOOOOSHED!!!! 😂😂👀 "Wooosh" w/means you didn't w/get the w/joke, as in the w/sound w/made when the w/joke "woooshes" ovew youw w/head. I w/bet you'we too w/stupid to w/get it, w/IDIOT!! 😤😤😂 w/My w/joke was so w/thoughtfuwwy w/cwafted and w/took me a w/totaw of w/3 w/minutes, you w/SHOUWD be w/waughing. 🤬 w/What's that? My w/joke is w/bad? I w/think that's w/just w/because you w/faiwed. I w/outsmawted you, w/nitwit.🤭 In w/concwusion, I am w/posting w/this to the w/community known as "W/Wooooosh" to w/cwaim my w/intewnet w/points in youw w/embawwassment 😏. w/Imbeciwe. The w/Gewmans wefew to this w/action as w/Schadenfweude, which w/means w/hawm-joy 😬😲. w/WOW! 🤪 Anothew w/wefewence I w/had to w/expwain to w/you. 🤦‍♂️🤭 I am going to w/cease this w/convewsation fow I do w/not w/convewse with w/simpwe w/minded w/pewsons.

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