Alyanna stands and watches as Bucky walks past her like a zombie. "What did you do to him!" She screams as she chases after him.

A hand snags around her wrist and yanks her back. She's met with a scepter pressed against her heart. "Now my dear, you are on our side remember? You will stay right here and protect me as your master," he orders her.

Alyanna has half a mind to tell him no, but the scary looking thing in his hand told her that she wouldn't have a choice either way. "Yes master," she mutters, her face hardening as she puts on a cold front.

The scepter leaves her chest and a smile spreads across his lips. "Good girl."

Cuts to Captain America

The patriotic dresses hero sends another foe through the air. He turns and sends his shield flying through the air to take out another six soldiers. He kneels to the ground, his shield boomeranging back to him. It snaps back in place against his arm and he was ready to go once more.

He runs down the hall but stops in his tracks as a figure steps behind him. Turning sharply, Steve doges a metal arm coming from right begins him. He blocks with his shield before throwing a fist towards Bucky.

"Come on Buck, we really going to do this!?" He shouts to him as they begin to fight each other.

But the dull look in his eyes told Steve that this was the Bucky that was under a mind control.

As they continued to fight, Thor runs past them, pausing briefly before turning down a hall without being noticed. He continues till he finds the control room that Alyanna and Erik were staying.

Using his hammer, he sends it crashing through the doors. Erik maneuvers out of the way along with Alyanna. Pointing the scepter to the ceiling, Erik creates a hole to escape. Alyanna looks confused before Erik snags her around the waist and jumps straight up into the hole. The brunette lets out a scream as she was airborne as they broke the surface.

Erik lands on his feet while Alyanna does a tuck and roll to avoid injuring her ankles.

Thor was right behind them, using his hammer to break through the rocks and dirt. He lands just beside Erik, sending a powerful shock wave that knocked both Alyanna and Erik off their feet. The scepter falls from Erik hands and he grunts as he moves to retrieve it. Thor blocks him off with his hammer, his eyes burning with intense rage.

"You! You took my wife and soulmate!" He snarls as he brings his hammer down to smash Erik's head in. The old god rolls out of the way, avoiding certain death from the enraged thunder god.

Alyanna finally gets to her feet and charges at Thor. She jumps onto his back and pulls him away with her strength in a chokehold. Thor grunts and takes a few steps back, allowing Erik to escape and grab the scepter. Alyanna continues to choke the blond man and he tried his best to fling her off without hurting her.

"Love...please," Thor gasps out, her arm tightening against his esophagus.

When she didn't stop, he knew he needed to do something. He raises his hammer into the sky and a lightning strike connects with the Asgardian metal. He swings down and sends a massive shock wave across the field. Alyanna is thrown from his back and lands a few yards away while Erik is also flung across the field.

The dust clears to reveal Thor holding his throat. The ground begins to shake and suddenly cracks begin to appear throughout the field.

"You idiot!" Erik shouts in anger. "The whole bunker will collapse!"

Thor looks down in confusion as the ground begins to crumble, surely dumping right on top of his friends.

Alyanna's mouth drop opens. "Bucky!" She whispers harshly before running towards the exposed entrance. Many of the members of the brotherhood came pouring out as they took cover from the rubble.

The Girl With Six Marks जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें