"I swear you take AP English and AP Biology, your as smart as you are beautiful" I giggle

"Shut it Vinny" I say in a confident, joking manner.

"So your sticking with Vinny then" he laughed
"Are you sticking with Snow" I shoot back

"Okay okay that's fair I suppose" we laugh and go back to singing and chatting with everyone , the bell rings and we leave from under the bleachers and head to home room Rusty and Nick were both in my home room along with Tyler.

Annoyingly benji and Meg weren't but I had new friends now to occupy the time. We parted ways and I said by to everyone.

"See you at break" I grinned

Me, Nick and Rusty walked into home room, I sat in my usual seat "come sit with us Mason" Nick said so I did as I was told, yes they call me mason but I am weirdly comfortable with it unlike usual I don't feel embarrassed of my boyish name.

I get up and go and sit facing them when I spot Tyler, I smile at him but he glared back, sorry Ty.
I am chatting to them both and we are goofing off when Tyler calls for me

"Mae come here a sec would ya" he growls Inwalk up to him

"What's up Ty" I say with a smile knowing that I'm talking to two misfit boys but I don't see why it's a problem although I'm sure he's about to tell me,

"What are you doing?" He snaps and I take a step back,

"I'm hanging out with some new friends what does it look like" I say already bored with his attitude
"It looks like your asking for trouble"

"Why is it a problem, they're nice boys who I have a lot in common with" I state honestly he rolls his eyes "I don't like it" he grumbled

"Hey Mason you gotta see this" Rusty calls, watching something on this phone Tyler's eyes glare at Rusty.

"Bye Ty" I say before kissing the top of his hair and sitting back down. I then carry on with my day waiting for Break.

Anthony's P.O.V

We wait about five minutes before going to the bleachers we all stand at the side and listen to them, there playing music and they are all chatting and laughing, she's having fun, but it's with the wrong people.

I start to zone in On Mae and Vincent's conversation
"Well isn't my snow a clever one" snow?? What's that meant to mean.

"Actually it was my brother, Milo who figured it out, he's the clever one of the family" Vincent laughed at her, I need to talk to Milo about it

"I swear you take AP English and AP Biology, your as smart as you are beautiful" what does he think he's doing he can't talk to her like that

"shut it Vinny" Vinny? wtf she's got a nickname for him already?

"So your sticking with Vinny then"
" are you sticking with Snow" The bell rung and I was royally pissed off at what I had heard.

"MILO" I yelled to get his attention "yeah what's up"

"what does snow mean?" I asked hastily

"snow as in cold white stuff?" He asks in confusion "No, I'm not stupid I mean in relation to Mae" his eyes widen

"Oh yesterday she asked me what I would think of I someone called her snow, I said Snow White" I nodded.

"Okay thanks bud now don't be late" Milo walks off, Snow was his Nickname for my little sister, he is close enough with her to give her a nickname that references her looks. I can't wait to see how lunch pans out.

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