Internships Part 1

Start from the beginning

Haru: M-Me too!

Uraraka then notcied Akira hiding behind Haru. The small shy boy was blushing behind the tall shy one.

Uraraka: Umm...Haru-kun. Whose that?

Haru: Oh. This is Akira-kun...He's my classmate.

Uraraka: Huh...I haven't seen him in the festival...

Akira: (T-That's because I fell behind from the others....)

Uraraka: Nice to meet you Akira-kun~!

Akira: L-Likewise!

The girl then puts on a confident smile and puts her fist up in the air.

Uraraka: Alright then! What are we waiting for!

Haru: Yeah!

Akira: *Unethical* Y-Yeah....

Soon enough the three were now in Gunhead's hero office. One of the first day of training, he told the three he's gonna take them out on patrol but he needs to make sure they were ready for combat. They would receive a commission based on their acts of heroics after they are called in by the police...

Gunhead: When a crime occurs, the police will contact us. We file reports on the services we provided. Arrest, Rescue People, Etc. And if a special agency looks at our work and decides how much we get paid. I'm sure the three of you will catch on, okay?

Haru: Y-Yes sir! (Wow!)

Akira: (Like Uraraka-chan said...H-He's so cool!)

Uraraka: (I didn't expect him to be so friendly...)

-Plus Ultra-

Hein Viamel and Destiny Gold was with Kendo Itsuka and Yaoyorozu Momo as they got to their internship with Uwabami....

However...This wasn't exactly the internship she was hoping for...

Hein: W-Wait a minute...You mean we have to go on an commercial?!

Destiny: But what about training?!

Uwabami: It'll be alright... additionally heroes are allowed to have side jobs. Heroes have recently became so popular over the years, the public recently demanded it. So stick around.

Kendo: Oh well...I was hoping to see something a little more actiony.

Hein: Same...(Wouldn't this be bad on our public image if we do this...?)

Momo: No! This sort of attention you can't afford if you're a pro!

Kendo: Okay...Is there anything else we can do besides this commercial?

Uwabami got up from looking in her mirror and put away her makeup to give the three girls her attention.

Uwabami: Did you four know why I recruit you girls? Any thoughts?

Kendo: Well umm...

Destiny: Maybe...

Momo: Is it because you saw such heroic potential in us.

Hein: Right...From the festival, yeah?

Uwabami: Well there's that...but...

Hein: But...?

Uwabami:...You four look like very charming young ladies. You'll be perfect for this job...


Destiny: (You gotta be kidding me....)

-Plus Ultra-

Samuel and Jirou were interning with Death Arms. Right now, they were helping him in his sidekick save some citizens from an hostage situation.

Death Arms: How many hostages are there?

Jirou was using her quirk while Samuel used channeling his own through concentration.

Jirou: From what I hear, there are two.

Samuel: The villains must been pretty desperate to use a hostage situation.

Death Arms: All right. We're breaking in.

Death Arms and his sidekick wasted no time breaking into the bank.

Death Arms: We are Pro-Heroes! Do as we say!

There were some crashing sounds heard.

Jirou: Samuel! Now!

Samuel: Got it! I'll help get the villains! You rescue the hostages!

Jirou nodded as she saw the two male hostages running towards them.

Jirou: I will escort you! Come below with me!

Male 1: We're saved!

Male 2: Thank you heroes!

Both Samuel and Jirou smiled at the hero part.

Death Arms: Come on kid! Use it!

Samuel nodded as he activated his quirk and sucked the villains inside the space portal.


Death Arms: Good job kid. What will your quirk lead them too.

Samuel: *Smirks* If they're jail.

-Plus Ultra-

Mikoto and Shouto finally made to Geysis' agency in Osaka City.

Mikoto: You ready?

Shouto only nodded as the two boys walked inside. When they first walked in. The placed looked a little busy with some people.

Mikoto went up to the front desk with Shouto following. At the front desk stood a beautiful woman with short white hair and blue eyes wearing a black suit.

Fross: Hello~! Welcome to Geysis' agnecy. My name is Fross while my hero name is Absolute Zero. How can I help you.

Mikoto: Ah. Yes! We are Yukimura Mikoto and Todoroki Shouto. We're here for the internship.

Fross: Oh Good~! So it's you two that he mentioned. Follow me!

The young woman bring them to an elevator which consists of only going up eleven floors.

She pressed the 11th floor and they went up~~~!

Fross: Geysis-san is usually a busy man! But he loves working with young heroes nowadays...but is really a beast when it comes to training. He doesn't take no for an answer. No ifs, and, or buts!

Mikoto: O-Oh...


Fross: *Sighs* He never go easy on his opponents. Not even if he's training them. I feel so bad for you two because you're just kids...

As soon as the elevator made an ding sound indicting their arrival.

The three walked out to an large door.

Fross walked up to door and knocked on it.

Fross: Geysis-sama. Are you inside. Your internship is here.

Geysis: Excellent. Send them in.

The doors opened revealing a open-space of a room. On the walls were filled with weapons and other utensils. Mooseheads were on the walls as well. Inside the office were a desk with multiple papers everywhere while Geysis was sitting on a large black beanie while playing a video game with a flat screen TV planted in the middle of the wall.

Geysis turns off the game to look at the boys.

Geysis: Thank you for letting them in Fross. So glad you two made it. This is going to be fun~~~!


Fross: Told ya....

Mikoto: (Oh boy....)

Guess it's too late to turn back now, right?

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