The Perfect Chirstmas Gift

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December 25, 2008

Ocean knew what today was but didn't want to go downstairs to see presents. She didn't want any unless Nicole got at least one. Then she got an idea, she got out of bed and rushed downstairs and was greeted by her parents and Skyla.

"Ocean you came!" Jackie said excitedly

"Your spot is over there by Skyla" Oskar said pointing in Skyla's direction

Ocean sat down by Skyla who was playing with her 'Teddy' as she calls it.

"Okay you may begin"

*Time Skip*

Ocean opened all of her presents except for one which she decided to give to Nicole. She grabbed the present and gave it to her.

"Here it's for you Nicole"

Nicole was hesitant but opened the gift and inside was a purple locket like the ones wore on Ocean and Skyla but a different color. Ocean had a pink one and Skyla had a dark green one. She was speechless Jackie knew that Ocean's favorite color was pink so why would she give her a purple locket?

"Thank you Ocean it's beautiful" Nicole said before putting it on

"Skyla, Ocean can you go play I need to talk to Nicole alone"

Skyla and Ocean left as did Oskar leaving only Nicole and Jackie in the room.

"Did you know about this?" Nicole asked looking at her necklace

"Yes I did, Nicole I haven't been very nice to you and I'm so sorry but I know I can't make up for lost time so I bought you the necklace"

Nicole hugged Jackie and said "Thank you but when can I tell her the truth?"

"When you think she's ready"

"How will I know when she is ready?"

"You'll know, trust me you'll know..."

To be continued...

The truth will be revealed in the next chapter so be prepared!!


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