The Argument

19 4 3

December 21, 2008

"Nicole may I speak with you please?"

It was 6 o'clock in the morning so Nicole wasn't sure what she wanted to talk about so early but she went along with it. She followed Jackie into Jackie's room and sat down on her bed.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stand your ground?!" Jackie asked trying her best not to wake anyone up

"Forgive me for speaking so rudely miss but this isn't fair! Ocean needs to know"

"Ocean doesn't need to know anything, you are her supervisor and that's it!"

"You and I both know that I'm more than that besides what's so wrong with telling her that she's my....?" Nicole was cut off by Jackie's finger

"Not so loud Ocean might hear you. Look I don't want to argue with you anymore just remember the rules"

Nicole sighed and said "If anything happens to Ocean I need to tell you immediately and not try to save her"

Jackie smiled and said "Good, you are dismissed"

Nicole left the room and went down stairs. Once she was down there she laid on the couch and cried herself to sleep...

To be continued...


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