Luna stood quiet, silently telling her friend to continue.

"Before you say no, like you always do, I want you to really consider it." Aubrey pointed her finger.

The brunette sighed, already knowing what this conversation was going to be about.

"Aubrey I-"

"Ah ah." The girl interrupted. "Just hear me out."

There was no amount of energy that Luna had to argue with her, especially this early. So, Luna nodded and kept quiet.

"Liz is having a party at her house tonight and it would totally be great if you came." The redhead spoke quickly, looking at Luna with hopeful eyes.

Going to a high school party wasn't even something that ever crossed Luna's mind, not since Rick came into the picture. The girl knew better than to ever ask if she could go to one of those things.

"You know I can't." Luna responded, shrugging her shoulders as she went back to organizing her books.

"Why not?" Aubrey asked. "I think it's time you finally have some fun for once. It's a Friday night and we don't even have school tomorrow."

"People like me don't belong at Liz's house." Luna spoke truthfully. "You should know that I'm not exactly a blast to be around."

Aubrey sighed, rolling her brown eyes. It was always a struggle to convince Luna Pearce to be bold. No matter how many times the redhead tried to get Luna to do something as simple as go to a party, the offer was always immediately shut down. It was no secret that Luna didn't enjoy basic high school activities, but Aubrey was no quitter. She wanted to make it her mission to get Luna Pearce to open up more, even if it took all of high school.

However, Aubrey Morgan didn't know anything about Luna's life. She didn't have a single clue of it. If she did, she wouldn't be pushing so hard. Luna didn't blame her though, it wasn't her fault and all she was trying to do was be a good friend.

"It doesn't matter." Aubrey scolded. "Who cares what other people will think of you? I'll be there with you so you wouldn't even have to worry about anything."

"Except Flash Thompson who will probably trash talk me on his big DJ microphone." Luna mumbled.

The redhead sighed again. "Screw him. He's not worth it and he shouldn't be the reason why you're afraid to go to a party."

Luna looked down, biting her lip.

Flash wasn't the one she was afraid of.

However, it was in that exact moment when Luna realized that she had no one to be afraid of anymore. Rick wasn't living in her apartment, and he couldn't possibly know if Luna finally decided to have some fun.

The girl wished it was that simple. Just because Rick was no longer around, that didn't mean that Luna's fears magically vanished. They were still there, and still in full speed.

"I bet this will change your mind." Aubrey smirked, nonchalantly examining her freshly painted nails. "Peter will be there." She wiggled her eyebrows.

Luna couldn't help but feel the small butterflies  that erupted in her stomach just by hearing the boy's name. She thought about him all the time, ever since that day in the alley. God, she missed him. She missed being around him and just talking to him everyday. Luna was still shy around the boy, but that could have easily changed if she wasn't such a screw up.

Luna swallowed thickly, trying her best not to blush. "Why would that change my mind?"

Aubrey scoffed. "Because you two are madly in love with each other, duh." She told her, acting as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Luna sighed as she shook her head. "You're wrong."

It was surprising to Luna that Peter was going to a party where he clearly didn't belong. He didn't seem like the type of person to willingly go to one of these things, so it was a little confusing to the brunette.

"At least think about what I'm asking." Aubrey pouted, putting a reassuring hand on Luna's shoulder. "I promise you'll have a good time."

The answer was still a flat out no, but Luna decided to just drop the topic and give an answer that would satisfy the popular red-haired girl, at least for now.

"I'll think about it."

Aubrey squealed, clapping her hands together. "That's the best response I've ever received from you." She smiled. "You have my number, so just text me if you decide to go and I'll give you the address."

Luna nodded weakly, closing her locker and sighing as she said her goodbyes to her friend.

As Aubrey strutted back to her group, Luna wondered what her night would be like if she did decide to go. She didn't have anyone to abide by anymore, except her mother who hardly even cared what she did anyways. It had only been one night of Rick being gone, and that was all it took for the girl to even think about a slim to none chance of going to this thing.

And who knows, it could potentially be the best decision she's ever made.


Luna stood outside her apartment door, staring at the wooden frame as she contemplated whether or not to go in. She didn't know what could be on the other side, and the last thing she wanted was to get her hopes up only to find Rick sitting on that one spot on the couch, just like he did every single day.

The girl let out a shaky breath, licking her dry lips as she twisted the doorknob.

Thankfully, Rick was no where to be found, and Luna let her nerves calm down a bit as she stared at the empty spot on the sofa.

He's still not here.

Luna bit her lip, suppressing a relieved sob from coming out of her mouth. She still couldn't believe that this was real.

He was really gone, and Luna was finally able to let her guard down for at least a little while. Things could only get better from here on out, and Luna needed to figure out a way to live positively again. It would certainly take a while, but it was worth trying, and Luna realized that.

Seeing the empty space made the girl have the urge to do something she wasn't able to do before.

Liz's party was most likely a sign for Luna to take the very first step of freedom. Even though Luna wasn't very social, she could work on improving it. It was in this exact moment that Luna felt she needed to prove something to herself, and going to this party could be it.

Without thinking, Luna grabbed her phone from her the back pocket of her jeans, searching for one specific name on her message list.

The brunette clicked on Aubrey's name, staring at the message bar for a second before typing.

So, what's the address?


Hey guys!!

I feel like it's been forever since I've updated. I know this chapter totally sucks since it was kinda short, so I apologize. It was mostly just a filler chapter.

Also, I think we all know that our baby, Tom Holland, just had a birthday this past week! He turned 23 which kinda freaks me out a bit since this is the 23rd chapter lmao. I know that sounds stupid but I couldn't help but say something :) but happy late birthday Tom!

Hope you all are having a wonderful summer so far <3

Sending my love to all of you!


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