Unsettling News...

Start from the beginning

This was going to be a long day...


Eraserhead: You’ve got your costumes, right???

Aizawa asked his own class as they nodded.

Eraserhead: Wearing them in public is strictly prohibited, but don’t drop them.

Everyone: Ok!

The chorus of excited voices answers him.

Eraserhead: All of you, be on your best behaviour! Now go! 

Vlad King and Present Mic are also giving the same instructions to 1-B and 1-C. Aizawa leans against one of the walls, slowly observing the students.

Good thing there was still time before the trains start to arrive so no one leaves yet as Deku had went up to Mikoto.

Deku: So Miichan! Have you finally decided.

Mikoto: Yes. I'm interning with Geysis-Sensei.

Deku: Cool! I hope you learn a whole of things from him!

Mikoto: Me too! Plus, this would help me spend more time with Shouto!

Deku: *Smiles* I'm glad you two are getting along.

Mikoto: Yeah...But it's not the same since you're not coming. Speaking of you, do you know who you're gonna intern with?

Deku: Yes! I did get one...Gran Torino...

Mikoto: Ummm....Whose that????

Deku: I...think he's supposed to be All Might's former teacher...for some reason he's scared of him....

Mikoto: Whoa...

Just hearing that made Mikoto's stomach dropped a little. Imagine, somebody actually making someone like All-Might afraid of them was not a pretty picture.

Mikoto put a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

Mikoto: I wish you good luck. Don't Die...


Mikoto laughed a little until he noticed Iida looking at them for a moment...before he was lost in his thoughts...

Mikoto: Hey...Is Tenya okay?

Deku:...I still don't know...He hardly talks to me or Uraraka-chan that much anymore...


Deku: Maybe he'll be alright...I heard he's interning with Manual...

Mikoto: It could take his mind off of things....

Deku:*Sadly* I hope....

Mikoto looked and saw his train coming.

Mikoto: Welp. That's my cue. See you later, Izuku-Nii.

Deku: *Smiles* Hai! You too, Mikoto-Nii!

-Plus Ultra-

Mikoto gets onto the train and watched some of his classmates waved goodbye.

He does the same as the train takes off to where Geysis' agency is at.

???: Mikoto...

Mikoto looked up and smiled to see Shouto sitting down next to him in his hero costume.

Mikoto: Hey Zuko!

Shouto:....Zuko? I still don't know why you keep calling me that.

Mikoto: You look like him...

Shouto:....I still don't get it.

Mikoto: Don't worry about it. Right now. Let's just worry about getting to the agency. I'm surprised you chose Geysis-Sensei's agency... Weren't you originally going to do Endeavor...

Mikoto didn't even bother to acknowledge the man as his uncle or Shouto's dad...

He doesn't deserve those titles anyway...

Shouto: .....That was the idea....But after getting some help from Geysis-Sensei...I decided to intern with him..since most of his spells revolve around ice and fire...It could help me.

Mikoto: Yeah. That's the spirit. Same for me too...I was gonna intern with Mom...But I've decided to do that intern...I'm sure she wouldn't mind...

Shouto: Hmmm....


Fumiko: Mikoto-kun...my winter child...chose that nosy jerk over me...T_T...

Tohru: D-Don't cry my love! There's always next time! W-Wait! Fumiko-chan! DON'T!!!!

Due to not controlling her emotions
....Fumiko ended up freezing the house by accident and Tohru was left with a cold on clean up duty...

Class 1-C (My Hero Academia Fanfiction) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now