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Once, long ago, all creatures of the Earth lived in peace. Within various forest gains, different races co-existed, traded and trusted one another. But none had a closer relationship than the human and faerie races. Humans adored the magic of the faeries and often sought the aid of the green faeries with their healing powers.

However, any hope of ongoing harmony was shattered when the dark wizard race craved more power. Ruled by the malevolent Lazarus Grimsbane, the dark wizards did whatever they could to gain control of all rival colonies they came across. Faeries saw the dark wizard's actions as unforgivable so believed that they were responsible to put an end to their tyranny.

The great war between dark wizards and faeries began leaving devastation throughout the land. Faerie kind held their own to overcome battle after battle until finally, the war came to a halt. But there was no celebration despite the end of the war. King Theodas Olakhan of the fare people was assassinated, leaving behind two daughters who barely escaped with their lives.

With dark wizard numbers dwindling, faerie kind experienced years of enchantment under the rule of the newly crowned Queen Ellaria. She was deemed to be a noble and just Queen. A Queen of the people.

Although Ellaria and the fare people were blessed with tranquillity, humankind neglected the union of themselves and the faerie race. As new human generations populated the Earth, fare creatures became legends. And in turn, became myths. It appeared that the human race failed to remember the bonds they once shared.

Many years passed, but a new threat to faerie kind had arisen. The increase of deforestation and boom of industry through human consumption crushed the environment and that of the faerie race to the brink of extinction. The new Queen had no choice to disguise herself and that of her people to join the human race so that they could be free to lead a better life. But at what cost?

The fare creatures of the world were forced into a life trapped in a modern human society. Unable to speak the truth about the long forgotten past. Unable to use the gifts they wielded, in fear of human military and so-called scientists. If found out, humans were thought to conduct unthinkable experiments.

Humans became the monsters everyone talked about. They became the monsters that children feared in the dead of night....

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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