16. Luka

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Looking down at all the puny little beings, I realize I may have been a little over-sized. This was all about spectacle, yes? So it should be as big and flashy as possible. If it doesn't catch the crowd's interest, that what use is this show. 

But seeing all the faces with a mix of expressions that drift into ranges I can't read, I realize that big might not always be better. I meowed softly, lowering down to the ground to stare at eye level and maybe be a bit less intimidating. Humans used to be scary because they're so tall, so size must figure into what is and isn't scary, right?

I want to apologize for the sneeze which got snot on a few in the front, but in this large form it comes out booming and deep. So, I try my best to whisper. "Sorry." At the lowest volume.

After my birthday, I'm going to get new friends, so I thought it was necessary to go big or go home. (Even if I already am at home). I don't necessarily know how to make friends, so I had asked Lukas and Aaron.

Aaron said:"It just happens, you know?" 

I don't know.

Lukas said: "I guess it has to come with interest. Aaron was interested in us so he became our friend. You just have to make yourself interesting." Which make sense.

I know I'll have to try my best to bring Lukas into the conversation once I get my own friends. He'll be lonely if I don't. Plus, even if I might find him interesting, from the way Aaron disregards him, I doubt Lukas is very interesting to others. He seems to connect more with people who talk a lot.

"Change back Luka!" Father called through his cupped hands. 

Obediently, I began my shift back. Slowly I slim down and resize until I'm back to a normal size only to find that my ears and tail are still sticking out of my head. How embarrassing! I hurriedly glance towards Lukas as I try and cover my ears.

He runs over, taking me into a hug. I forgot to bow but I doubt people noticed. As we went back, there was a loud eruption of applause. I look back to see smiles written across the face of the crowd- which means I did good! I smile back, tail wildly swinging behind me in happiness.

I put my hands on Lukas's shoulders and jump to give him a kiss on the forehead. "You'll do great brother. Show them your claws." I sat before plodding back to my father who ran a hand over my head in greeting. A very welcomed greeting at that.

He whispered. "You were greet, sweetheart." Which makes me feel all warm inside. This father isn't the father in my visions. He's sweet and caring, I tell myself. It'll be fine. I have to stay tough.

As Lukas steps up to the plate, the clapping quiets in favor of hush anticipation. They all think that Lukas will be worse then me in his performance. Every whisper of disdain perks my ears and curls my nose. These people are idiots. They judge and judge and it's not fair to Lukas or me. Those people have already been marked off my list of friends. A lot of them were knights who served under father.

I've seen Lukas's power. He's much more exceptional than me. He's got a wider range and ability which in every single one of his powers. He's had them since birth so it makes sense he would be so much better then these people who have to wait till ten. I can't say it aloud, but my brother is the most powerful person in this crowd, I believe.

No one could beat him even if they tried. 


Lukas told me before hand that he'll have to reign in his strength because if he's too powerful, they'll take him away for questioning or think he's cursed. I don't know who 'they' are, but I believe they're like the men in black. Those evil guys who always do bad stuff! You can tell cause they wear black.

I told Lukas that I would protect him yet he only hugged me. I couldn't tell if he really believe me after that. So, I'll just have to train harder so he stays safe.

The first one Lukas draws is the one called 'Shield' which is supposedly pretty common. It's probably the weakest of abilities that Lukas has. It doesn't have much maneuverability as it's just flat sheets of unbreakable matter. At least, it's weak when it compares to his other abilities.

He's brought out a thin, stretchy cloth that's common when it comes to Shield users. He lays it on the ground, steps back, then raises his hands like he's performing a magic trick. Slowly he raises, expanding and stretching until it's taught. Through the small holes in the fabric, they can Lukas behind, concentrating.

There's tentative applause, like they expect him to be over. Ha! The wall of fabric lifts higher and higher until Lukas's hands are stretched far above his head. Then, violently, he slams them down, bringing with it, the fabric.

It pushes deep into the ground, tearing rock and cobble before disappearing entirely into the ground. This causes the crowd to clap wildly, amazed at the power that my brother stores. My abilities don't have very many ways to show. Compared to Lukas who has flashy and powerful attacks that tell of incredibly power, he's much more suited to this showcase.

Father compares me to an assassin while Lukas is a hard hitter.  I stalk the prey while he attacks. I think this is appropriate.

Lukas draws up the fabric once more, crumpled and stained with dirt. In the floor in a clean, paper thin cut that almost looks like a natural separation in the cobble. I clap wildly as well, much louder then the polite applause of our father.  I don't believe that Lukas likes to show off in these cases so encouragement in the best way for him to approve.

The smile he flashes me shows he's happy.

The next one up is Space.  Most of the documented powers of space include illusions and moving objects from one place to another. Lukas can do so much more. He can bend walls and create real things from thin air (although he says the aren't). He can float and play pranks on people with easy. I'd call him a ghost if he wasn't my brother.

He preferred to just do a minor illusion for the crowd- which is super easy for him. He walked in a circle and with every second step, he creates a multiple of himself who starts a line for the others to follow. It ends with him at the front of the line and 15 images of himself behind him.

Most of the crowd doesn't clap.

Trying control my irritation, I clap loudly, startling the crowd into doing the same. Lukas said he can't reveal his third ability because they don't know it here, which I understand.

I run up him, pouncing on his back and rubbing my face in his shoulder. He laughs which causes the other hims to laugh as well. "This is so much better!" I exclaim as I look back at them all. "Now  you can read and spend time with me. You should do this more."

The one I hold just shrugs. "They only copy what I do. They wouldn't be much entertainment."

"Oh." My ears flatten. In that moment of distraction, I don't realize he's started walking back to father before the crowd surges on us. The clones cancel, flicking then disappearing into thin air. Many had stopped to  marvel at the Lukas' and were surprised when they vanished. 

Soon we had to go back in away from the excitement. We had to stand still and say goodbye to each and everyone of them. They all introduced their daughters and sons. However, I had to turn down most of their invitations to friendship. I found that most of them were quite judgey when they were in the crowd, so they were not suitable to our company.

They'd have to sort out their problems by themselves.

Soon we were tucked into bed after a sweet goodnight from father. In bed, I said to Lukas. "Don't worry, I won't make friends with any of the people who were mean to you." Then drifted off to sleep, blissfully aware of the glimmer of contentment in the eyes of my brother.

{ Author's Note }

DIALOGUE!! Oh my god! How did that happen!?!?!

I know, I don't understand it either. I'm trying, really.  It helped that I wasn't doubting myself when it came to my previous writing. I just had a talk with my therapist about guilt so I thought it would be best to knock out another chapter before it added to my growing list.

In the end, I'm actually kind of proud. I think. 

Unedited. 1400 words.

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