Heavy feelings? Secrets?

Start from the beginning

We do not have any internet or any computers here for the matter. I just need to come up with how I am to contact her and then we shall hear what she has to say. You must be wondering how I happened to peak into the gutter I formerly mentioned, right? I'd rather keep 'the weird reason' an enigma. (@audaciouswriter7 enigma is such a handy word, no? )

Where is Arfa Jan when you need her? I have been up since Fajr, taken a stroll through the garden, peeked into more than just a few 'gutters' and she has been absent since then. I should have left the room to search for her ages ago, its already 7:00am. I should have-yes, but I feel like a chicken right now. Not having listened to(or read for the matter) any of Misbah's encouraging words, I feel down. You can picture it, right? How one feels when the closest person has been out of contact since some time.

Your mother has been with the older ladies, going through a trial as well. She is targeted more ruthlessly for she is a 100% non-Pakistani and of course looks the part. I know it is a hard situation to picture yourself in but I am actually going through it right now. I heard a knock that brought me out of my reverie; note the heavy sarcasm. It was grandma's personal maid, I'm unsure about her name so I have been calling her "khala"(aunty) for now.

"Please come in khala."

"Baita Jahan-Ara begum is expecting you in her room."

"Okay khala Shukran laki!(thanku) Let's go."

I followed her, she led me through the corridor. Two minutes later we stood in the dinning room I had dined in yesterday. She continued to walk leading me to a passage, I looked around us at the walls. The walls were embellished with long mirrors and various paintings which gave a Victorian atmosphere to the passage.

I saw no pictures nor any statue-like decoration pieces. Khala told me that Bakhtawar khalu didn't approve to have a TV brought into the house, for he was concerned his children might see something offensive. I got told many other superfluous details by khala, she is quite garrulous you know.

"Khala where is Arfa?"

"She is with Fahad, your mother and Safia baji in the drawing room."

"Can you take me to them first?"

"Jee behtar(whatever you want)"

I was led to the drawing-room. It showed off the gentility, status and good taste of the owners of the house. No matter how much you might dislike a person never forget that everyone has something they're good at. An optimistic approach is always preferable. I like to keep an open mind. Moving on, I said my salaam to everyone and took a seat. I jerked out of the seat when I remembered that grandma was expecting me.

"Daddi-ma is expecting me people, back in half an hour or so."

"Okay" Nobody was paying much attention to me. They had been absorbed in some conversation, which was discontinued as soon as I entered. I could feel that they wanted me to leave soon. Irritation-I felt lots of that, yes. Who likes to be ignored, after all.

Daddi-ma enveloped me in an enormous, injury inducing hug, my forehead was kissed and both of my cheeks, also.

"Maira bacha(my child), my Omar's daughter."

She had tears in her beautiful eyes, I hugged her to me until she stopped crying. She made me sit on her bed, I looked around for grandpa, I hadn't even met him yet.

"He is with his brothers in the village court house, trying to work out of this 'little problem' Bakhtawar has created for us." Daddi-ma answered my unasked question.

"Hadiyah Jan you do know that I won't let anything bad happen to you right?"

"Yes, Daddi-ma I trust you but I'm wondering why Bakhtawar khalu is so adamant on having my inheritance taken away, while he already owns lots of land himself."

"Baita, there's this thing known as 'greed'. I must accept I haven't been able to raise him and Hamid well. However, your lands also contain a coal mine, which is worth millions."

"I understand daddi-ma but it isn't your fault at all. It was you who raised my father also, hence I do not see any fault in the way you conditioned your children. Did baba know about the coal mine?"

"Yes he did, Hadiyah."

"Okay khala told me you had something to tell me?"

"That can wait let's have breakfast first."

We made our way to the dining table and were soon joined by everyone else. I sat with aunt Fauzia, it's been a while since we last met. I so need her to refresh my memory on how to wring yourself out of a headlock. I have a feeling I'll be needing the refresher if things get too heated around here.


Not that I shall be able to take down any of them, impossible actually for I have been away from my teacher for so long. They have had lots of trainers around them though, much to my disadvantage. I still can't shake off the feeling that I might need it soon enough, whats with today and heavy feelings?

Do you always get this formidable feeling before something bad is about to happen? I heard a gun shot, I hoped I had dreamt it. But soon everyone was on their feet. Screams filled the air, did I mention how ear piercing they were? Fahad attempted in vain to calm the agitated ladies. Grandma looked most calm she did not scream nor did she show any signs of agitation. It was no usual ceremonious gunshot, however, for all the ladies are locals and wouldn't have been scared had it been the case.




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