Chapter 3: Jumping At Shadows

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is going on out here!" Eddie questions, standing between Alex and Dean with his hands up towards them.

Greg then walks towards him shocked as he notices who it is. "Dean?" he whispers.

"Hey" Dean whispers with a smile as Wordy lets go of him.

"What are you doing here? I mean, it's good to...I just didn't know you were coming. I, um...It's good's good to see you" Greg stutters as he slowly walks towards towards Dean and then Greg wraps his arms around him and pulls him in close to him. Alex goes to take a step but feels Spike pull her back towards him.

"Alex" he warns in a whisper and Alex shakes her head annoyed as Greg lets go of Dean and looks down at him.

"We're just up visiting Shelby...Uh, my aunt" Dean explains.

"yeah, no, I know who Shelby is. Why didn't you tell me?" Greg asks curiously.

"I-I didn't want to call first. I I thought I might back out" Dean admits and Greg nods his head.

"I wish you did" Alex whispers loud enough for Spike to hear and she rolls her eyes.

"Does your mom know you're here?" Greg questions.

"No. She, she thinks I'm at a movie" Dean says as he shakes his head.

"She doesn't know you're here?" Greg then says as he looks to the ground slowly.

"Do you think there's someplace we can go and talk?" Dean asks as he looks around at the team surrounding them.

"Yeah" Greg then quickly answers looking back up at Dean.

"Come on" he then says as they both walk towards the briefing room.

Once they disappear into the room. Alex pushes Spikes hands off of her furiously as she walks away from the team quickly. "Alex" Eddie warns loudly but she ignores him as she stops in front of the briefing room to see Greg with an upset and shocked look on his face as Dean sits next to him with his arms crossed on the table.

"I thought I should tell you in person. You know, it'd be the right thing to do" Alex hears Dean say and Greg slowly nods his head as he turns and notices Alex standing outside the room with her arms crossed over her chest.

"SRU?" Winnie says as she picks up the phone causing Alex to turn and look at her, ready for the distraction. Alex then nods her head as she walks towards Winnie holding out her hand. Winnie then hands Alex a headset to listen in on the conversation.

"Shooting in progress, 235 Creekside" the woman on the phone says.

"Copy that" Winnie replies and looks up at Alex.

"Call it" Alex then states quickly.

"Stay on the line" Winnie says as she watches Alex place the headset on her desk.

"Team One, hot call! Gear up" Winnie announces over the headset as she sounds the alarm. Alex passes by the Briefing room to see Greg place a hand on Dean's arm.

"Just hold on" Greg whispers as he then walks quickly towards the entrance of the briefing room.

"Alex?" he questions.

"Shots fired, in progress" she says watching the team head towards the garage.

"Look, I'm sorry. I gotta do this" Greg sighs as he turns back around to face Dean as he stands from his chair.

"Yeah, right. Of course you do" Dean says frustrated as he walks towards the entrance.

"No, no. Just wait here for me" Greg begs as he follows behind Dean who was walking quickly towards the front doors.

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