Chapter 9: Fault Lines

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"Hey you" Alex smiles as she grabs her bag out of the back seat of her car, smiling at Eddie who just parked his car.

"What's up Kiddo?" Eddie smiles. He grabs his bag and they both stop behind their cars and look up towards the headquarters building.

"Are you ready for today?" Alex asks quietly, and Eddie sighs.

"Do I have a choice?" he asks.

"Sadly not" Alex smiles, before they both walk towards the main doors.

Laughing could be heard as they approach Winnies desk and see her talking with Spike and Wordy. "Word up!" Eddie shouts, causing them all to look back towards them.

"Eddie. Alex" Wordy smiles.

"Big day" Spike says, as he wraps his arm around Alex's shoulder and kisses the side of her head.
"You study hard?" Eddie questions.

"What's that thing called?" Spike asks curiously.

"Yeah, yeah, the long metal thing" Wordy jokes.

"Yeah! Loud noises?" Alex asks, taking a step away from Spike to join in.

"Gun!" Spike then shouts excitedly and both Alex and Eddie clap their hands, applauding him.

"See? Why do we have to requalify?" Spike asks and Eddie sighs as he turns to walk away towards the changerooms, but when he does he spots a familiar face walking towards him.

"Hey, hey" the voice smiles, causing Alex to turn around to see who it was.

"Donna," Eddie says cheerfully.

"Edward" Donna teases, and Eddie smiles.

"You guys ready to get your butts kicked?" Donna questions curiously.

"Your team's playing the bad guys?" Alex asks as she walks towards them.

"Yeah" Donna smiles.

"Let me get this right -- Team Three against Team One?" Alex snickers, and Donna nods her head.

"Yeah, that's right," Donna says.

"Team Three against Team One" Eddie laughs.

"Yeah, go suit up. And uh..." Donna begins to say as she looks towards the briefing room and then back towards Alex and Eddie.

"What's going on?" Alex questions concerned.

"Commander Holleran wants to see you guys in the briefing room" Donna explains.

"Okay" Alex says, and Eddie nods his head as they both begin to walk towards the briefing room.

"Okay. I'll see you out there" Donna smiles.

Alex and Eddie get closer to the briefing room and behind to hear Greg's frustrated voice. "It's not what we talked about. And if you knew it was going this way, you could have told me before today, Commander" he says as they walk into the room and see the commander sitting on the edge of the table and Greg standing a few steps beside him.

"Coulda told you what? What's going on?" Alex asks, causing both men to look towards her and Eddie.

"We've got somebody else to do your team's psychological evaluation this year," Commander Holleran explains.

"What do you mean? The boss does the psych eval" Eddie questions confused.

"We need someone more objective," the Commander states.

"Objective?" Eddie asks, and the Commander stands.

"Your team's had a lot of tough calls" the Commander informs, and Alex snickers.

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