Chapter 7 - Terror

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"Another day, another dollar" Eddie laughs cheerfully as he notices Alex walking in through the main doors of headquarters, dressed in her gray tactical pants and a black long sleeve shirt.

"Oh yeah, super exciting" Alex sighs as she walks towards him and gives him a hug.

"Come on, kiddo. It's only one day of a drive along and you'll be back with us your next shift" Eddie smiles as she kisses the top of her head.

"What fun" Alex says sarcastically as she spots her father walking around the corner.

"There she is," Greg says as he walks towards them.

"Hey, dad," Alex says with a small smile. Greg then stops and hands his clipboard over to Eddie before placing both of his hands on Alex's arms.

"I just want you to know that I don't hate you" Greg jokes, causing Alex to roll her eyes.

"This is just punishment for going against rules last shift and yelling at a victim" Greg continues.

"Who deserved it," Alex whispers.

"It doesn't matter, Alex. Whether he deserved it or not, that was not part of the job" Greg explains as he takes the clipboard back from Eddie.

"All you have to do is get through this one day" Eddie says.

"Yeah, I know" Alex sighs as she spots Spike walking out from the hallways where the changerooms are.

"Spike!" she quickly calls out, causing him to stop and look towards her with a smile.

"I have to go," she then says, looking towards Eddie and her father.

"Your ride gets here in ten minutes" Greg calls as Alex runs towards Spike.

"Okay. I'll make sure to get out there at fifteen!" Alex yells sarcastically.

"Alexandria Parker" Greg warns, and Spike laughs.

"Full name. Someone's in trouble" Spike jokes as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her in close.

"Yeah, it's going to be a boring day for me" Alex sighs.

"I heard. A ride along?" Spike questions as Alex takes a step back.

"Sadly" she says.

Alex then takes a deep breath and looks up at Spike, showing a small smile. "Listen, later tonight, I have something I need to talk to you about" Alex says quietly and Spike smiles and nods his head slowly.

"Okay. I'll see you later tonight then" he simply says.

"Okay" Alex whispers.

"Alex!" Greg then shouts and Alex closes her eyes, annoyed, causing Spike to snicker.

"You better get going" Spike says as he leans forward and places a soft kiss on Alex's forehead.

"I love you" he then whispers, and Alex feels butterflies in her stomach as she looks up towards him with a smile.

"I love you" she whispers back.

Alex turns around and walks slowly towards her father and Eddie once again and sighs. "I hope both of you have a very quiet day" Alex says bluntly and both of their smiles slowly fade as she begins to walk towards the main doors.

"That wasn't nice!" Eddie yells sarcastically.

"Clearly!" Alex shouts back the cool morning air hits her body.

Alex then notices the unmarked car sitting right out front and walks over towards it, getting into the passenger seat. "Alex Parker?" the officer questions curiously. Alex shows a small smile and nods.

Flashpoint (Season 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora