🖤 ღ Rita icon ♡ 💜

477 55 42

First one!! Decided to make her signature paint splotches into her flags, most of them will just be rectangles

First one!! Decided to make her signature paint splotches into her flags, most of them will just be rectangles

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Rita is ace/aro and confident in nearly every respect. Her sexuality is no exception. Ever since she fully figured it out she hasn't let anyone tell her otherwise. Interestingly, however, she tends to assume that her lack of romantic or sexual interest translates into never needing love or help from anyone, not even platonically [except maybe Simon] and it's something she needs to work on

Okay,, here's where I humiliate myself and show the old one,, holy sHIT

Okay,, here's where I humiliate myself and show the old one,, holy sHIT

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My art has progressed so much over the past year!! Her design has changed a fuckton too!! This is def back when she was 'totally not a self insert' despite having my same eye/skin/hair color and being me w/ a 'better personality'

Art Puns: the Trilogy ˊˎ˗  art book 3Where stories live. Discover now