Chapter 2. Bad Company

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"Wake uuup. Wake uuup Lin."

"Wha...what is it?"

"Do you want to go looking for more supplies?"

"Boi not right now! It's way to early!"

"Fiiiiiine, we'll go later."

"Ok, thank you."

"Your welcome."

(2 hours later)

"Ugggggh, I guess it's time to get up". Lin yawned while stretching his limbs.

When he walked through the door, he could see Puro sitting on the living room couch rather jumpy.

Puro noticed him standing there and turned his head.

"Are you ready to go scavenging"? Puro said excitedly.

"Chill, chill! Let me wake up right now."

Ok! But we will go scavenging when you do."

"Why do you want to go scavenging so bad?"

"I don't know, I just feel like doing that."

"Ok we'll go on an hour."

Puro sat back down on the couch and started bouncing around again.

Lin went into the kitchen make himself a cup of coffee.

"Your making coffee"? Puro said with a disgusted look.


"Why not hot chocolate human?"

We don't have the stuff to make that."

"Awwww I hate coffee."


"It tastes bad."


After Lin made his coffee, he sat down with Puro.

They sat there for a while and talked about random things.

"Human, do you know that your the most best friend I ever had"? Puro said.

"Awww, thanks."

Puro embraced Lin with a hug.

Lin face started to turn red.

He could feel that his relationship with Puro was starting to deepen.

"Are you sure you don't have a fever?" Puro questioned.

"No, no, I don't have a fever."

"You better not be lying to me."

"Don't worry, I'm not."

"Good, because if you are, your going to be berated." Puro said while squinted his eyes.

"He he."

"So are you done with your coffee?"


"Yay! Lets go!"

Lin and Puro went outside and walked off to find valuable resources.

Hey hooman"! Puro yelled out.

"What Puro?"

"Come see what I found!"

Lin walked over to where Puro was standing.

When Lin walked over to Puro, he saw that he was holding a book.

"Where did you find a book?" Lin asked.

"I found it in a pile of junk" Puro replied.

Lin looked over to where Puro was talking about and saw a bunch of junk.

"What's the book about?" Lin asked.

"It says guide to bxb romance, whatever that means"

When Lin heard Puro say that it made him jump. He knew exactly what bxb meant.

Before he said anything he heard people talking in the distance.

"Are there people still here?!?" Puro asked excitedly.

"I think so. Let's go check it out."

Lin and Puro went to check out who they were hearing.

When they got to where they were hearing the sounds they saw a big building. Outside the building were guards armed with rifles.

"Who are those people?" Puro asked.

"I don't know, but I  don't think we should be seen. They don't look friendly.

Just then Lin heard one of the guards shout.

"Hey we have transfurred over here!" shouted the guard.

Lin and Puro then saw several of the guards come at them while shooting.

OH SHIT! RUN!" Lin yelled.

Lin and Puro started running away from the guards trying to escape.

"Fuck, there not getting off of us!" Lin shouted to Puro.

"What do we do?!?" Puro panickly asked.

"Can you grapple on to things."


"Pull us into the trees Puro!"

Puro grabbed Lin to his side then with one hand he grappled into the leaves of a tree above them.

"Where the hell did they go?!?" One of the guards asked angrily.

"We don't know."

"Well find those shitheads!"

The guards all separated to find the two wolves.

Puro and Lin were close together and Lin was blushing.

"Were so close together." Lin thought.

"Are we safe to go human." Puro silently asked.

"Maybe. Let's get back to the house.

They slowly descended to the ground and walk back to the house, making sure not to run into the men.

"Ok, what the hell just happened?!?" Lin asked.

"I don't know."

"We can't stay here." Lin said, with his paw on his forehead.


"What if they find us?!?"

"Yeah I guess your right hooman."

"Come on let's pack."

Puro and Lin packed all of there rations.

When they took off they heard something behind them coming from there house.

"What was that?" Puro asked.

Lin turned around and his eyes widened. He saw the guards storming there house.

"Crap, we need to run." Lin silently yelled.

They then ran away so that they wouldn't be seen.

End Chapter 2.

Hey guys it's me @TheAveragePuro and I am sorry on how long it took for me to make this chapter. I had a lot of things going on and I didn't have time for Wattpad.

But now I'm back and ready to post!

Shout Outs

Now for my shout outs. In the last chapter, I said that I would give a shout out to the first person to guess the name of the manga I was referencing. That person is none other than @Hawkblast99. He is one of the first people to follow me and I think he is very cool!

With that said I'll see you guys later.

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