Part 9: one town, four elements, many revelations.

Start from the beginning

I turned to Wave and Heather and nodded my thanks as they floated back into their "owners" pockets. I looked at each of them "I'm hungry" lily said as she came up to me and I crouched down to her level "were going to eat soon come on guys the little sister is hungry" I said as I picked her up "sister?" she asked as she looked at me confused "well of course ,If your Roses sister that makes you our sister too because we are all a family" I say with a big smile. She smiles back and I put her down "so when are we going to go eat? I'm starving here" I say with a frown "lets go" the twins say making me laugh softly as they glare at each other and we walk towards the restaurant. I see a music store right across the street and make a mental note to go there after eating.

We go inside and the second the door opens all conversation stop. I immediately smell that their all werewolves and know they must not recognise our scents is why they are all staring at us. We awkwardly walked to the first empty table and when we all sat down everyone started conversation again and a waitress brought us our menus then walked away.

When I looked at Rose and Mike I saw that they both had dirty blonde hair with green eyes and my eyes widened. I grabbed a bit of my hair and felt that it was short again and brown and I gasped making Rose, Mike and lily look at me and when they saw my brown hair and blue eyes they looked at each other and if possible their eyes widen more "what the fuck" Mike whispered with horror.

Rose hit his arm "don't swear in front of lily" she hissed at him making a few wolves turn to us "what the hell happened" he asked looking at me "how the fuck do you expect me to know?" I asked making Rose glare at me. Mike looked like he might faint making me hit the back of his head and he looked at me with a glare telling me that he wouldn't be fainting anytime soon "what the fuck was that for?" Mike hissed at me making me smirk evilly "it's just to make sure you wont faint" I say innocently.

We heard the bell on the door ring signalling that someone had come in and I looked over seeing a guy with cloud white hair and grey eyes. I felt like he was really familiar but just couldn't place my finger on it. I turned back to the others and noticed none of them noticed him "guys I saw there was a music shop across the street and I thought we should check it out" I say getting both the twins attention "music shop" they both said at the same time and I nodded raising an eyebrow "we're going" they said at the same time again and then glared at each making me chuckle.

When we finished our dinner/breakfast I paid and we walked out to be hit by a cold breeze and I had a feeling something was going to happen "do any of you know what pack land this is?" Rose asked "sun ray" I said thinking about the strange boy that entered the restaurant and not even realising I said those words "what?" Mike asked looking at me confused getting my attention "Sun Ray! Its the name of the pack. Sun Ray" I say again.

I look around and spot the music shop. When I'm about to walk towards it I suddenly feel a strange force start to tell me to go in the opposite direction and when I look next to the restaurant I see an antic
shop. I smile. What I'm part badass/egghead/nerd/tomboy just say B.E.N.T for short. I start walking towards the antic shop and I see the others following me as if they could feel the strange force too. When we arrived in front of the shop I looked at the name and it said 'BONNIE'S ANTIC SHOP' in big red writing.

I was about to go in when Mike grabbed my arm "are you sure its safe?" He asked with a frown and I looked over at the shop again and I knew that we were safe because we had the powers to protect our self even though I should probably practice them more. We entered the shop and the first thing I saw was all the old books everywhere. I walked towards the first shelf I saw while Mike went two down on my left and Rose went three down on my right.

I was looking around wondering what made me want to come here when I saw a fire red box with the picture of a black wolf howling at the moon and what was the strangest was the fact that it's left front paw was half white! Like mine!! I took the box and when I opened it I saw a pendant that looked like a silver wolf tooth and it had the same writing as in my ring but you know what, I don't think those are Greek writings anymore. I have a feeling its a completely different language.

I took it out of the box and noticed it had a small fire red ruby encrusted at the top and knew that was what I was looking for when I came in.

*Mike's POV

When we entered the shop I went towards the left, two rows down from the middle ones and started looking around not really knowing what I was looking for. I suddenly tripped over something and fell face first on the floor. When I looked at what I had tripped over I saw an ocean blue box with a white wolf on it sticking halfway out from under the shelf. I sat up, took the box and stood up looking at the box. I opened it to see a silver looking wolf tooth and when I looked closer at it I saw it had small writings on it and recognised those symbols on being on my snake ring. I opened the inside pocket of my leather jacket and took out both rings putting them next to the tooth to see they were very similar.

I looked above the writing and saw an ocean-dark blue sapphire encrusted into the top of the tooth and turned the tooth around to see similar writing as on the other side but still a few differences in the text.

I closed the box and knew I wouldn't want anything else from here so I started walking to the counter of the shop.

*Rose's POV

I was looking around when my foot hit the shelf accidentally making it shake and some if the books started falling towards me including two box. The books all fell near my feet but one of the box's hit me on the head. The other box almost did but stopped and started floating in front of me. I opened my hand, palm facing up and the box landed flat on my hand. The box was leaf green with an earth brown wolf sitting on it looking at the sky and when I opened it their lay a pointy silver tooth in red velvet shining under the light coming from the window I was next to.

I picked up the pendant and saw it had a grass green emerald encrusted at the top and strange symbols written under it which I wasn't too sure meant so I put it back it the box and looked at the other similar box except that one was white with a cloud grey wolf standing at the top of a cliff on it. When I opened it there was the exact same pendant except with some kind of strange white/light gray crystal instead of a green emerald.


Hey everyone tried making this chapter extra long which explains the late update but believe me I'm trying.  In  between  going  to  school,  doing  my  homework,  spending  time  with  my friends after schooldoing my karate trainingswimming lessons and harp lessons don't have much time to wright but I try please believe me!!!!

love you all my beautiful cacti!!!

What don't judges cactuses are awesome.

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