The Funeral

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A mother should never outlive her son. Mentors shouldn't have to see a student with a bright future dressed in a black suit. It's too painful for teenagers to see their best friend's name on a gravestone. It hurts too much to see the person who gave you light with forever closed eyes.

The sky was gray, but there wasn't a speck of rain. Yet for some reason, everyone's cheeks were wet. Everyone's eyes burned. And everyone's usually colorful, casual outfits were formal and black.

Only a few smiled that day. And the hearts of those smiles were dark and cruel. Only villains grinned at the sight of a dead body, after all. For even though they lost and most were in jail, the heroes experienced no bright victory.

The fifteen-year-old had curly green hair, freckles, and emerald eyes. His smile brightened everyone's day. He wasn't short nor was he tall. He was often referred to or described as a "plain-looking boy." Yet once people got close, they would describe him as anything but plain. Unfortunately, they would never see that happy, full of hope demeanor ever again. Unless they looked in the coffin.

The coffin was normally carried by four people. Sometimes two thanks to quirks. But six carried the broken body to the front of the room. There would have been more if allowed.

All of U.A. attended the gathering. So did friends and family. The police force went to honor him. A few from the government also came. A lot of pro heroes were there. Even some Americans!

Midoriya Izuku would forever be remembered as the brave hero Deku.

A/N: Let me know in the comments on whose reaction I should do first! I already have a bunch planned out, so I was thinking the readers could choose! Have fun, my cotton candies~!

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