"Yep! I play soccer, football, and track. Question 4: Are you going to tell me what sports you play?"

"Cool beans. Someones an active little fellow xD And yes. I play vollyball and track." I replied.

I lied, I wasn't that lazy. I'm only when I feel like being lazy.

"Interesting xD And... You never asked a question :P"

Oh, I forgot! "Oh, sorry :) Question 5: What is your favorite thing to do?"

 "Surf, duh!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot lol. It was a waste of a question. Um, your turn!"


"Question 6: If you were a type of candy, what kind would you be?" he asked.

Whoa. Weird question. "Honestly, I don't want to be candy, because then I'll get eaten =/ Ok, I'd be a Milky Way bar :)"

"Nice choice :) And you still didn't put another question!"

"Sorry xD Okay, Question 7: What do you prefer: Apple or Android?" I questioned.

"Android. Question 8: What is your favorite kind of cereal?"

"Lucky Charms xP So sugary and marshmallowie (That's not a word, but I don't care)."

"I like Raisin Bran. It's so delicious." he replied.

I was shocked there. Raisin Bran? Ugh, just thinking of it makes me want to puke. "Are. You. Kidding. Me? I think I just barfed a little =/"

"Ew. Glad I wasn't there xD Are you okay? (Ps. I hate Raisin Bran, just wanted to see your reaction ;) )"

 "Yeah, I'm fine. And I should've known," I told him.

"Yeah haha," he replied.

"Okay, your turn to ask a question!" I replied.

"No. It's YOUR turn ;) Keep track little missy!"

I reread the text messages. Jake was in fact right. It was my turn. "Question....8?"


"Dang," I muttered under my breath. "Okay, uh.... Question Nine: Would you rather go to school or sleep in?"

"Hmm.... Probably sleep in. But then I wouldn't be able to see Lily."

Lily? Who's Lily? Okay, don't freak out, Alex. If he had a girlfriend, he would have said something about her by now. Right?

Absentmindedly, I quickly typed a message, and sent it before I could even take notice of my actions.

 "Who is Lily?"

 "You have to wait until it's your turn again to ask a question, remember? Okay.. Question 10: What's your favorite thing to do?

"Read. Now Question 11: Who's Lily?"

"If you thought she was my girlfriend, you were way wrong. She's my best friend. Has been since we were in diapers."

I let out a sigh of... Relief? Why was I relieved? I mean, why would I care if he had a girlfriend? Most guys these days do have girlfriends. All of my thoughs subsided, and I replied with the best reply I could muster. "Oh." 


"Were you jealoussss?? *Wiggles eyebrows*" he replied.

"No. Actually, I wasn't. I just thought that if you had a girlfriend, you would have told me :P No biggie!"

"Mmm.... Okay. And yeah, I probably would have told you. Question Twelve: What time are you going to bed? I know it's late over there."

That was true. It was eleven fifty-seven PM now. "Soon, I guess. I'm going to go get ready for bed then =)"

"Okay, sleep well, Alex ;)"

 "I'll try to!"

 "So I guess we'll continue our game tomorrow?" Jake suggested.

"If you want to, then sure xD Good night!"


So that was chapter four! Remember, the more votes I get on one chapter, the faster I upload xD That is depending on how fast I can write. You all have been voting and commenting (WOO!) I think that may be a good sign?? Anyways, good bye. Upload: Two to three days. 

How I Met YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora