Chapter 10: Intruder

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I stepped away from the window as I heard a loud thud against the front door. My first instinct was to lock my bedroom door, but I remembered that Mike and grandma were away, so there was no other way to get help but by getting my phone which I left downstairs.

The whole house was quiet. The only noise that arose from the estate was the sound of my heavy breathing and the heavy thudding against the door. I walked over to my bedroom door and pulled it open slowly. I peered my head out ensuring that no one was there before slipping out and tiptoeing to the staircase.

When I got to the bottom of the staircase, I went onto my hands and knees as I crawled beneath the open windows. The white curtains blew with every gust of wind sending the curtains flying up. I knew that it would ultimately cause my demise if I didn't avoid the windows like the plague, so I crawled slowly on the floor.

The thudding at the door only grew louder as I saw my phone sitting in the coffee table between the sofas. I began to wonder how long it would take before the door broke into splinters. I tried not to worry about it as my pulse raced and my body shook, but I couldn't avoid the simple feeling of fear looming over me. When I finally made it to the coffee table, I began to anxiously press the 'on' button for my phone the second it made its way into my hand.

"Damn it," I whispered to myself as an empty battery sign appeared on a dark screen on my phone.

My heart stopped for a moment as I heard the door violently swing open. A gust of wind filled the house, and I clutched my phone to my tight chest. I couldn't see or hear anything going on at the door, but I could feel someone's presence. In a panic, I crawled over to the kitchen and hid beneath the table waiting for my doom.

"Diana," a low raspy voice called walking into the room.

I frightened to death of the voice alone. The way it seemed to invite me to meet my maker was unequivocally heart-stopping, but what really bothered me was the fact that I couldn't see them. By the sound of the voice, the person was in the room with me. That would be fear-inducing enough without the added fact that I couldn't see them nor hear their feet as they entered or stood around. That meant only two things; I was either going mad and imagining things or the voice was somehow coming from above me.

"If they're above me," I thought as my heart rate quickened, "then that means that he's on top of this table."

I placed my hand over my mouth and nose trying to muffle my heavy breathing. In the midst of the silence, I heard the slightest shuffle of feet against the top of the table. It was so soft and inaudible that a rational person would assume it was just the ruffling of leaves outside, but that didn't stop me from making a break for it.

I couldn't help but let a loud groan escape my lips as I crawled from below the table and pushed myself off the floor running to the door. I heard a quick patter against the ground as I ran that didn't come from my heavy steps. I didn't look back for even a moment as I took hold of the door handle and pulled the door open, but my escape didn't work too well as I was immediately enveloped in someone's arms.

"Stop!" I screamed pounding my closed fists against the body holding onto me, "No, let me go!"

The body around me held on tightly, "Diana, calm down!"

"What the hell do you want?" I screamed pushing the body away with all of my might finally free of their grasp.

"To apologize," Jack responded with a shocked and frightened look on his face.

I spun around and looked back into my kitchen. There wasn't a scary man with a weapon ready to pounce on me, or a front door broken down in breaking in and entering. Instead, there was just a still living room with a table slightly off from its centered position.

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