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A week had passed since my friends and I had gone to a dance club and I had my chat with Sydney about Cameron. A week since my worst fears have come true. He was everywhere now! And by he, no, I don't mean my future husband: Dave Franco, I mean the bane of my existence: Cameron.

It seemed as though Cameron and Sydney had hit it off at the club because now, Cameron was constantly around Sydney - which unfortunately, also meant he was also always around me now since Sydney was my best friend and we always hung out together. I had been forced to endure seeing his smug smirk and dangerously dark and glittering cerulean blue eyes at my lunch table every day for the past week. He seemed to fit in just great with my group of friends, which only made my predicament worse. Everyone seemed to be enamored with the jerk, even my best friend who had sworn to me in the past that she would always have my back.

Well, so much for having my back, I thought bitterly. She was now yapping away with the enemy; the guy who had made my life terrible throughout the years nonstop and for no apparent reason. Not only yapping, but flirting!

My eyes widened and my jaw fell slack as I watched Sydney twirl her straight, golden hair around her index finger and giggle at whatever came out of Cameron's stupid mouth. I mentally gagged. This was so gross. My best friend was actually blinded by his charm that he used to get nearly every girl who came his way.

I guess I had been staring too long because the next thing I knew, my eyes connected with Cameron's. His eyebrow lifted and the corner of his mouth tipped into a sly smirk. I rolled my eyes and flipped him the middle finger before looking down at the table and digging into my lunch. I kept my eyes glued to my food in order to avoid any more unsolicited looks from Cameron.

I really hoped this was not a permanent arrangement, because I did not want to spend the rest of my senior year dealing with Cameron's obnoxiousness or Sydney's blatant obliviousness to Cameron's playboy ways. Hadn't it only been a week and a few days that she and Jake had broken up? How could Sydney already be over that? I understand that Jake was not the best boyfriend nor did they have the best relationship, but Sydney had been absolutely enthralled with Jake for the longest time. Surely she couldn't be serious about Cameron, right?

"So," I drawled, lazily moving my finger between Cameron and Sydney. "May I ask what the hell this is?" I asked, finishing my question, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Sydney giggled again. I mentally gagged - maybe even a little bit physically as well, but I kept it in. "What do you mean, Rach?" Sydney asked, her eyes focused on me, her head tilted to the side slightly.

"What I mean is... what is he doing here?" I asked, emphasizing the word he as my gaze shifted from Sydney to Cameron, eyes squinting in accusation.

Instead of my best friend answering me like I had expected, the arrogant asswipe infront of me opened his big mouth.

"I'm sitting here because I happen to enjoy being around a beautiful woman such as Sydney over here. Sorry you're just jealous that I'm paying more attention to Sydney than you, Rachel," he smirked, taking one of my French fries from my tray and popping it in his mouth.

His comment followed by his stealing of my food pushed me to the brink. I exploded in a rage of fury. "I'm not jealous," I hissed. "You and I have had a long past full of you picking on me and getting me in trouble, as well as causing me immense physical and emotional pain and putting me in the hospital for a few weeks. You have put me through hell and back and I certainly do ont trust you, so excuse me if I'm wary about your intentions concerning me or my best friend. I'm tired of seeing your ugly face at our lunch table when nearly a couple days ago, you never once sat over here. I'm tired of having to put up with your comments when I'm already stressed out enough with work and school, and I definitely don't need your shit on top of that!" My voice gradually got louder and louder as I continued on with my rant until I was almost screaming near the end.

I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself and when I was fully composed, I realized the cafeteria was dead silent and everyone's curious eyes were glued to my standing frame. I immediately paled, feeling the color drain from my face. I had just caused a huge scene and the whole room was staring at me. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, trying to stop tears from forming. Inhaling deeply once more, I opened my eyes and stared straight into Cameron's surprised eyes.

"Well, well, well... would you look at that?" I asked, positioning my hands on the lunch table where I had sat earlier and leaned forward and chuckled darkly. "Once again, you have managed to make me have a mental breakdown. Congrats, Cameron. Do you feel better now, seeing me embarrassed infront of our entire school?"

He stayed silent, emotions I couldn't decipher swirled in his blue eyes that I could never read.

I shook my head and turned around, running out of the cafeteria, ignoring the holes being burned into my back by everyone's curious stares.

"Rachel!" I heard someone shout, but I kept running. I had no desire to talk to anyone. All I knew was I had to get out of here.

I heard the same person scream my name again, this time it sounded louder and I came to the conclusion that the person calling my name was getting closer to me. I tried picking up the pace, but I was already starting to breathe heavy and I could feel my body cramping up. God, it was times like these when I wished that I was on the track team, but alas, I'm not a very good runner, or any kind of athlete for that matter.

I eventually felt myself slowing down and by that time, my pursuer had caught up to me. I felt a hand grip my forearm firmly however also gently. The owner of the hand turned me around and I came face to face with Sydney.

"Rachel, are you okay? I've never seen you that worked up before." Sydney stated softly, letting go of my forearm when she realized she still had it in her grip.

"Why?" I asked, fidgeting with the sleeves of my shirt. "Why are you talking to him? Why is he sitting with us and why in the world would you want to be near him when you know about how he has treated and done to me?"

Sydney sighed. "Look Rach, I understand that you guys have an ugly past, but I really like him. And he can be sweet when he wants to be - you just have to get to know him like I do." She trailed off, and by the guilty look on her face, I knew there was more that she wasn't telling me.

"Sydney, what do you mean, get to know him like you do?" I asked tentatively, already dreading that my guess was correct, but I wanted her to confirm my suspicions before I worked myself up again over nothing.

"Well uh..." she nervously scratched the back of her neck. "He kind of asked me to be his girlfriend, and I sort of said... yes?"

My heart plummeted and I could feel my pulse through my ears. "No... no, you c-can't be serious. We are still talking about THE Cameron Sharpe, right?"

"Yes. Cameron Sharpe and I are dating, Rachel."

I groaned. "Unbelievable," I muttered under my breath.

Then my best friend (who is quickly losing that title as this dreadful conversation goes on) uttered the words that indirectly changed everything.

"Rachel, I understand that you guys don't get along very well but -"

I cut her off mid-sentence. "Very well? More like at all," I snorted.

"But-" she continued, glaring at me slightly. "You are my best friend. And Cameron is my boyfriend. I don't want to lose either of you due to your petty fights, so it would be great if you could just try to get along with him? For my sake, please." Sydney pleaded.

Was she really asking me to try to get along with the Devil? I stayed silent, mulling over this information and thinking carefully about the best way to tread through this. Nearly a minute passed before I hesitantly nodded. "Okay. I will try my best to get along with him. Only for you though, Syd."

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