Chapter 1: Venture

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On August 29th, XXXX, bright crimson pillars of flames erupted beyond the city's massive stone walls. Hoards of bony, bat-winged monsters could be seen from a distance, Wyverns. Atop a cliff, I stood only some kilometers away from the city's walls on my way back from gathering herbs for my friend, who's an alchemist in the city.

"What happened?" I exclaimed.

Let's rewind about seven hours ago. I was sitting on a bench in the middle of Tellure Park writing in my notebook about the number of healing spells I know. The bench was underneath an enormous Sequoia tree towering at 35 meters which shadowed the whole park yet providing enough sunlight to pass through in the spring or summer making the park a perfect place to study. Ever since I was in my second year at the Magic Academy, the building a kilometer west of the park, I always came here to prepare for my exams. It was relaxing and I could focus without any distractions. It has been a quirk of mine ever since I was young. I have loved the sounds of nature surrounding me, birds chirping, the eastward winds brushing past my hair, leaves rustling, they are very soothing sounds to my ear and it feels as though my fatigue disappears every time. It was a nice day until a sudden phone call broke my train of thought.

I glance down at my stack of notebooks on my lap, eight thirty in the morning, my phone on top vibrating. I flip my phone over the identify the caller. It was my friend the dark elf Shrishadivit, Rishi for short. I internally sigh, reluctant as to whether to pick up the call or not. Out of my own curiosity, I still did, in the end, pressing the glowing green call button after it vibrated four times.

"You finally pick up!" An exasperated voice said.

"Sorry man, just studying in my usual place." I lightheartedly laugh.

"You and your healing per usual." He joked.

"Yeah," I responded in kind, "you know when you are a healer you've got to be prepared for the worst."

"That's right you are a part of the Savior's Adventurer Party." He recalled.

"Not really, I'm not the main healer. I just know Savior because we were classmates. Plus, I only serve as a busboy -" I frowned slightly.

"Hey," He interrupted, "at least you pay is better than mine. The life of an alchemist is spending money like water for resources."

"Hahaha." We both laugh.

"Jokes aside," he coughed, "can you get me some herbs from the forest?"

"Sure, that is if you pay me for my service fee of thirty kalas." I spoke indifferently.

Questioning my sarcasm he asks.

"Your kidding right?"

"What do you think?"

"I'm kidding I will do just send it to me." I laughed.

"Shut up man! I'll send you the list and the images!" With a hint of infuriation in his voice.

Another brief vibration could be felt. Looking at my phone, I scrolled down to open the message linking to a file with images of the herbs.

"Got it," I confirmed.

"Scram," Rishi joked with annoyance.

"Fine Mr. Alchemist."

"Same goes to you Busboy Healer."

He hung up and I packed my things into my leather bag. With modern technology, everyone is able to use inventory magic. Just by injecting mana into an object, one can make their bag infinite space of storage compared to the old days where people had to carry things by hand or carriage. It is rather convenient.

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