Chapter 7

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I woke up hearing someone knock on my door. Before I could answer he came into my room and sat on my bed. I just groaned and flipped onto my stomach. I hate it when people come into my room, especially while I'm trying to sleep.

"Honey, do you want to say good bye to your mother", my dad asked while rubbing my back. Oh crap, that's right, she's leaving for New York today. Even though I'm lazy, and I just want to go back to sleep. I thought I should get up and say goodbye. I slowy but surely hopped out of bed and walked down the stairs. Sage was hugging her goodbye. When they seperated she looked at me. I went up to her and gave her a tight hug.

"Anytime if you want to come see me. I'll get you flight. You name the time. I'm going to miss you", she said giving me another hug. I will miss my mother, but my life is here in California, with my dad, Sage, my friends, and Ross. I could never leave all of them behind. Going to New York wouldn't be worth it. After I said goodbye, I went back upstairs hoping I could fall back asleep. I laid there in my warm comfy bed thinking about Ross until my phone beeped telling me I have a text message. It was from Ross. 'Good morning Beautiful<3:)' it said. I smiled and was about to text him back when I got a call from him.

"Good morning Handsome", I said. I could almost hear Ross smiling through the phone. "I was wondering if you were free this evening?", he asked through the phone. "Why yes I am. What are your plans Lynch?", I said. He laughed at my response. "I want to take you on our first date, so I suggest wearing something more on the casual side but still cute, but you always look cute. I'll pick you up at.. let's say 5:30", he said.

"That sounds lovely", I laughed, "I can't wait, see you then". "See you then gorgeous", he replied then we hung up. Yay! My first date with Ross. What am I going to wear? I need professional help, so I called the only person I know that could help me with something this serious. A few minutes Rydel showed up at my front door.

"We have no time to talk. We need to find you an outfit", she said pulling me out the door and into her car. We pulled into the mall parking lot about 10 minutes later. Rydel pulled me into Charlette Russe and found a really cute hot pink tank top. The back was all lace. We also got some bracelets. I went into Hot Topic and found a cute pairs of black high waitsed shorts and that completed the outfit. For shoes I'm just going to wear my black Converse.

By the time we got back to my house it was 4:00. I had an hour and a half to get ready. I hopped into the shower, washed my hair, boday, and shaved can't be having hairy legs. I got out and threw my hair up in a towel. I was eating some little fruit snacks while Rydel was doing my makeup. She did it really pretty natural, because I never wear that much makeup. She put on neutral eye shadows, some mascara, and bottom eye liner.

We still had an hour left so we just let my hair air dry for 30 minutes. Rydel used my fancy straightener to straighten it. It aslo dries your hair too, so I never have to blow dry my hair. when Rydel was done done with my hair I quickly put on my shoes and brushed my teeth to keep them fresh. I said bye to Rydel then she left. Ross should be here in about 10 minutes. I sat on the couch and watched Awkward. until he got here. 5 minutes later I heard a knock on the door, and my heart literally stopped.

I walked to the door and opened it. There stood Ross. He was wearing a white v-neck, black jeans, his leather jacket, and his signature black converse. His hair was done perfectly messy. We stood there just smiling at each other until my dad decided to join the party. "Who's this tall", my dad said looking Ross up and down, "good looking boy?". I couldn't help but laugh. My dad is on the shorter side. He's 5'9", and I'm pretty short too. I'm 5'3", so to me Ross is a tree.

"Dad this is Ross, my boyfriend", I introduced. Ross gave my hand a firm hand shake. My dad was still inspecting Ross. "I don't know Carly. He seems a little too good looking, and his hormones must be through the roof", my dad whispered to me, but he's not the best whisperer, so Ross probably heard everything he said. "Okay dad well, we're gonna go", I said trying to Ross out of this house before my dad could say anything else.

"I'll have her home by 9:00", Ross said while I tried to pull him away from the embaressment. "Have her back when ever", my dad called out. My dad isn't that strict when it comes to curfews. Ross opened and closed my door for me being the gentleman that he is. He got in on his side, but before he started the car he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. He put his seatbelt on and pulled out of my drive way. I didn't even bother to ask where we were going, because I knew he wouldn't tell me. About 7 songs later we arrived at the beach. Ross let me out and intertwined our fingers. He walked us to the rock where he asked me to be his girlfriend. Laying by the rock were some candles, a beach blanket, and a picnic basket.

"Ross this is gorgeous", I breathed out in amazment. Ross smiled at me then pulled me towards the beach blanket. Ross and I both sat down on the beach blanket. He opened the picnis basket and pulled out a white rose. "A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl", I blushed and looked down, but Ross lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. "I love it when you blush, especially since I'm the one making you blush", he whispered giving me a soft kiss.

"I hope you like fine dining, because I made us the most amazing peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches you'll ever taste", he said. I giggled at his cutenss. After we ate our sandwiches, Ross pulled out chocolate covered strawberries. "That was delicious", I said taking a bite of the last strawberry. "I'm glad you liked it, but it gets better", Ross pulled out his guitar from behind one of the smaller rocks behind him. He started playing One Last Dance, and I sang along with him letting him hear my voice. He looked shocked at first but smiled and kept going along.

"Your voice is beautiful", he said. I grabbed his guitar and started playing Tear Drops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift. I sang the song to him. Ross sat there taking in my voice. He almost looked hypnotized. I fished playing, and Ross finally spoke. "Since when did you know how to play guitar?", he asked taking his guitar back. "Since I was 13", I answered. The sun was set, and it was offically night.

Ross got up and went behind the rock. He came back out holding the yellow bikini and his pink trunks. "You left this in my car and thought it would come in handy for tonight". I got up and went behind the rock. The sun was down, but Ross still held the towel in front of me. I did the same for him. When Ross got changed he picked me up bridal style and ran into the water with me still in his arms. We laughed and splashed around for a couple of hours.

I wrapped my arms around Ross' neck and brought him close to me. I didn't realize how cold I was until I felt his hot breath on my lips. I slowly leaned up and pressed my lips against his. Ross instantly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his body, if that were even possible. I wrapped my legs around his torso. Ross helped keep me up by holding my thighs. My fingers got tangled in his long blonde locks. Our one kiss turned into a heated make out session. I felt Ross moan against my lips.

Ross pulled away to breathe while I left light kisses on his jaw and down his neck. I wanted Ross' touch, but we haven't been together that long, so I know we couldn't do anything. I wouldn't let anything happen, but I wanted to enjoy the moment. I kissed Ross' lips again. I knew I had to stop, so I pulled away. Ross left soft kisses along my jaw and on my shoulder. Ross carried me to the shore, because my legs were still wrapped around him. When we got to the blanket I jumped down from Ross' grip.

We sat on the beach blanket for while looking at the stars. We were still in our swim suits. I changed out of my swim suit and back into my normal clothes, and so did Ross. Ross took my hand in his, and we walked back to the car. He drove me back home and walked me to my door. "Thank you for the most amazing first date ever", I said giving him a soft kiss. He held both of my hands in his and took a step closer to me.

"I wish it wasn't over", he whispered kissing me again. "I love you Carly", Ross whispered. I looked up at him and smiled. "I love you too Ross", I whispered back, "Goodnight Ross", I said giving him one last kiss. "Goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams", Ross said slowly walking back to his car. I walked inside and up the stairs. I collasped on my bed and thought about the amzing day I had with Ross. I istantly fell asleep.

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