Chapter 4

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"Mom, Dad, I'm home!", I yelled walking into the house. There was no reply. I walked into the living to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch, and the TV wasn't on. Now I'm scared. "What's going on?", I asked sitting in the big leather chair next to the couch. My parents shared looks but stayed silent. Why don't they just spit it out? "Who died?", I asked thinking the worst. Who did die? Who's sick? Who lost their job? Are we broke? Am I going to die? What the hell is going on? Why aren't they speaking?

"Well Carly, I got this new job opportunity, and I have to take it", my mom said. I looked at her shocked. "Are you serious? That means I will finally be able to get that new laptop that I wanted. This is amazing!", I stood up and hugged her. "Why aren't you guys excited?", I asked looking at them confused. They should be jumping off the walls.

"Yeah but Carly here's the thing. The job is in New York. We would have to move out there", I slowly sat back down. We have to move to New York? I love my life here. California is so warm and sunny. I don't want to leave. What about Ross? He would be crushed. Maybe not, but I would miss him. What about Sage he has his own house here in Cali? We can't abandon him. I didn't know what to say to them, so I got up and went up to my room. I don't want to leave. Once I shut my bedroom door, I heard my parents yelling down stairs.

"Sara we can't just pack up and leave. Carly's friends are here. She can't miss her Senior year here", My dad yelled at my mother. "Yes Rob I understand that, but there are plenty of other schools in New York for her to go to", My mother yelled back. I don't like to take sides when my parents argue, but I'm on my dad's side for this one. After an hour of hearing them go back and forth I fell asleep, but was woken up by hearing someone knock on my door. My Dad came into my room and sat on the end of my bed.

"Honey, I know you don't want to leave and neither do I, so we're going to stay here. Your mother is going to New York by herself", he said softly. I looked at him shocked. "But how are you and mom going to keep a relationship if she's in New York and you're here?", I asked. Dad answered my question with an answer I thought I'd never hear in my entire life.

"We're getting a divorce", he sighed looking down at the floor. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My parents were separating. I got up grabbed my shoes and ran out the house. Where do I go? What do I do? I put on my sneakers and started running. With my luck it started raining. and I didn't have a coat. I looked at my phone. I couldn't call my parents, or my brother, nor my friends. I needed someone that would make me feel better. Someone that can make me smile and laugh no matter how sad I am. Someone I can always rely on. I clicked on Ross' contact. He answered on the first ring.

"Hello? Carly? Is everything alright?", he asked through the phone. Wow, I didn't even speak, and he knew something was wrong. "Can you pick me up at the tennis court?", I asked trying to hold back tears. He didn't ask any questions. He just told me 'Of course I'll be there right away'. I sat on a bench there and waited for him to arrive. In a few long minutes Ross pulled up. I got up and ran to his car. I was dripping wet from the cold rain.

"God Carly you must be freezing", Ross said pulling out a big blanket and wrapping it around me. I was freezing but didn't realize it until now. Ross turned up the heat in his car then he started rubbing my back to warm me up. It didn't help, but it showed he cared. "What are you doing out here? You could get sick", he said with nothing but concern in his voice.

"After you dropped me off my mom told me she got a new job opportunity and she was going to take it", I said.  Ross looked at me confused. "Carly that's awesome! Why are you upset?", he smiled. I shook my head and said, "It's in New York". Ross' smile quickly faded. He looked at down at his hands. "You're moving?", he said sounding upset.

The Lost StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz