Chapter 20

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I'm really starting to freak out right now. I can't be pregnant. What would I do about school? What would my family think of me? What would my father and brother do to Ross? I know it's Ross'. He's the only guy I've ever had sex with. What would I tell Ross!?!?! Don't get a head of yourself Carly. You don't even know if you ARE pregnant. Don't assume things. It would explain the morning sickness. I'm not ready for a kid. I know I'll just get an abortion. SHUT UP Carly!!! How could you say that? That's crazy talk. You don't believe in abortions. Give it away for adoption? No, I'm not gonna go through all that suffering just to give it away. What if Ross doesn't want it? Will he leave me and find another girl that won't get pregnant? Someone perfect and blonde? Shut up carly you're only making things worse for yourself.

"Carly!! I'm home!", my dad yelled from down stairs. Oh gosh, should I tell him how his youngest and only daughter might be pregnant with some rockstar's baby. My dad is the only one here to tell. He's my rock, the person I'm closest to; he loves me no matter how bad I mess up. What if I messed up too big this time, and he won't love me anymore. I have to tell him.

"I'm upstairs!!!", I yell back at him. He knocks on my door then comes in.

"Is everything okay?", he asked walking into my room. Should I tell him now. It's either now or when my stomach starts to block the TV. I shook my head. "Well what's wrong?". I took a deep breath.

 "I think I might be pregnant", I said looking at my hands. Silence filled the room. I look up at my dad to see the expression on his face. Nothing was there.

 "Do you know for sure?", he asked sitting down on my bed. I shook my head. "I'm going to schedule a doctor's appointment to find if you are or not", he said then left the room. I can't tell exactly how he feels, but he might be disappointed. I am. Ding! I look at my I Pad and see I have a Skype call from Ross. Great, he's the last person I wanted to talk to tonight. I accepted the chat anyway.

"Hey Babe!!", his voice rang through the speakers, and his face filled the screen, "I miss you Baby!".

 "I miss you too", I said trying to act happy, but I don't think I'm fooling Ross.

"What's wrong?", he asked looking at me concerned. I shook my head.

"Nothing's wrong. I just miss you", I said. That'll work; I think. I can't tell Ross how I might be pregnant. He's on tour, and I don't know if I really am.

"Aww, Babe, I'll be back before you know it", he said. I smiled and nodded. "I know", I said.

"Carly come on we have to go!!", my dad yelled up the stairs.

"Okay!!", I yelled back.

"Where do you have to go?", Ross asked. Crap, I was hoping he wouldn't ask that. What do I say?

"We're going outto supper", I said. He nodded and said goodbye, of course we said I love and stuff. I grabbed my sneakers and my jacket then went down stairs. I slid on my shoes.

 "You ready?', my dad asked. I nodded then we left. The car ride was silent. I didn't know what to say, so I kept it silent. We sat in the lobby waiting for my doctor to call me back.

"Carly Jensen", my nurse called out. I was about ready to get up until my dad stopped me. I looked at him confused.

"Listen, Carly, no matter what happens in there I want you to know I love you. If you are pregnant, then I'll be here for you and support you. I'll be here by your side every step of the way", he said holding my hand. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too, Dad", I got up and went back into the doctor's office. The nurse asked me a bunch of random crap then shortly my doctor came back to test me. He left the room then came back in about 7 muntes.

"Carly, I have your results", he started, "and you are pregnant". I didn't know whether to be happy or sad, so I chose scared. "I'll schedule you another appointment in about a month to check out how everything is going. Okay?". I nodded my head still thinking about how I have a living thing inside of my stomach.

"Thank you", I said walking out of his office. I walked back into the lobby to see my dad sitting there staring at the wall. He saw me and stood. I nodded my head telling him that I was pregnant. He didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around me and held me tight against his chest.

"I love you, Carly, always know that", he whispered kissing the top of my head.

"I know you do Dad", I whispered back. I wanted to cry, but I always had the hardest time crying in front him.

"It is Ross' right?", he asked trying to make me laugh. I giggled and nodded. "Good, I like Ross", he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder walking me to the car. I love Ross, but I don't know how to tell him that I pregnant with his child. Does he want it? Should I wait until he's back from tour or shoul I tell him soon? There's only one person that would know. I called Rydel on Skype once I got home. She answered right away.

"Hey Girl!! I miss you so much!", she smiled. I love her smile. It always puts me in a good mood. "What's going on back in Cali?", she asked getting closer to the screen.

 "Nothing much, but are you alone?", I asked. No one else could here what I have to tell her. She nodded. "Put in head phones because I don't want anyone to hear". She did what I told her then listened to what I had to say. "I'm pregnant". Her jaw dropped.

"Is this for real? Are you 100% positive?", she asked leaning up a little more in her bus bunk. I nodded.

"My dad and I just got back from the doctor's", I said, "I don't know if I should tell Ross about it soon or wait until he's back from tour".

 "First, Is it Ross'?", she asked.

"Of course!!", I said. She threw her hands up in defense.

"I was just making sure, and secondly, I don't know. He would probably want you to tell him now, but I understand how you would want to wait until after the tour. Because if you tell him now he'll probably want to come back home to be with you", she said. I nodded listening to everything she was telling me.

"I want to tell him now or tomorrow, but i don't want him to leave the tour to be with me", I said. She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I think you should tell him now. He deserves to know, and if he wants to leave the tour we can't exactly stop him. It's his child, so he deserves to know", she said.

"I agree with you. Thank you Delly, you always know what to say, and I will tell him tomorrow", I said, "the reason being I need to think of what I'm going to say".

 "I think you're making the right choice. I als think Ross will be happy. I love you and good night", she said blowing me a kiss. I blew one back.

"Love you Del, good night", I said ending the call. Now I have to think of what I'm going to say to Ross.

The Lost StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora