Aido blushed with a frown. "Yeah. But p-please don't drop it, Hiro-sama."

"I won't." Hiro promised with a bright smile as he quickly left the lounge and walked outside.

It would be dawn within minutes.

He grinned to himself.

He would be able to take photo of the sun, and put it in his room to ward away any dark thoughts. And photographing the rabbits and Yuki and-

A gun was cocked into the air.

Hiro paused, slowly turning around.

A group of hunters stood behind him. They each had their weapons out, and their eyes were dark and angry.

Hiro recognized the men from the restaurant, and the others he had fought that night he had almost died.

"...You may have escaped to this farce of a place. But you can't escape your sin." The man said, glaring at Hiro.

Hiro stepped forward, eyes growing dim. The air surrounding him changed, becoming sharp and dangerous.

Few of the hunters began to sweat, feeling themselves tense. But they only moved forward, weapons drawn.

"...If you have business with me, we settle it off campus."  Hiro said with a dark voice. "Not where there are students-"

The hunter only grew more aggravated over his words. "You pompous, fucking brat..!"

The gun was aimed for his head.

Shadows began to grow from the ground, already entangling half the group. The other half jumped away and raced forward.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Is he...controlling these things!"

"Hurry and kill him!"

Hiro looked to the man with empty eyes.

A gunshot was heard, and Hiro felt it graze his cheek.

Blood dripped from his face.

More shadows emerged from the ground and wrapped around the others.

Another gunshot.

This one hit his arm.

A larger shadow erupted from the ground like lava from a volcano, and grabbed the man with clawed hands.

The gun fell from his hand as he cried out in pain. The hand began to squish him, the other hunters telling him to stop.

Hiro continued.

"You monster!" the man yelled.

His empty eyes grew dark as he smiled.

His eyes began to glow, a laugh leaving him.

The shadows began to crush them, squeezing harder.

Hiro watched in fascination with as they cried out, hearing bones break and ache.

He could keep going.

And break their bodies like-


He paused, looking behind him.

Kaname walked towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Let them go."

Hiro gave him a deep frown.

He continued, turning away from his brother. More screams, more bodies to feed on after, more bodies to add to the carnage.

They were meaningless to him.

Hands gripped his own, tightly wrapping his hands behind his back. He winced in pain, a growl leaving him.

"Hiro." Kaname warned with a dark frown.

Hiro froze.

He slowly looked back at the group, frowning as the shadow disappeared. The group of hunters fell to the ground, gasping for air and holding their bruises.

Hiro furrowed his eyebrows, eyes widening.

...did he-?

"What the hell going on?!" Zero yelled as he ran towards them, Yuki not far behind.

Hiro grimaced, his head spinning.

Kaname stepped in front of him. He glared at the hunters, eyes slightly glowing.

"State your business." He ordered.

The lead hunter scoffed. "He's to be arrested or killed on sight for the murder of a hunter!"

The hunters looked to Kaname, eyebrows turned downward in anger.

Aido suddenly appeared beside Kaname, Akatsuki beside him. "...what are hunters doing here?"

"If you resist..." the hunter began with a smirk.

Kaname knew. It would be seen as treason, and the ignition they need to start a war. This was all they needed.

Something both sides have been aching to do, exterminate and control the other.

"...I surrender."

They all froze.

Hiro stepped forward.

He raised both hands and kept walking.

Kaname watched with wide eyes. He reached out to stop him, frowning as Hiro began to move.

Hiro turned around gave him a smile.


As if he were confident he would be alright by himself.

The lead hunter stepped forward, slapping wooden handcuffs on his wrists.

The man turned to Kaname with a daring smirk. "Finally managed to catch one of you beasts." He said, turning to leave as his comrades watched them with hateful eyes.

Kaname watched Hiro was taken, lead away by Vampire Hunters.

It was silent for a moment.

"...Kaname-sama?" Aido asked timidly.

Kaname placed a hand in his pocket. "Return to the Moon Dorms. No one knows of this but Takuma. He is in charge until return." He ordered, turning to leave.

Aido grimaced, looking to his cousin with a worried frown.

"...I've never seen him so mad before." Yuki whispered to Zero.

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