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The next day when I was walking down the corridor to the common room, Cedric approached me with a grin.

"Here, I wanted to give you this," Cedric plunged a hand into his satchel and pulled out a small stuffed animal; a badger. "I saw it in a shop through the window today, and I thought that you'd like it," Cedric held the badger out for me to take.

"I suppose I have to say thank you now, don't I?" I teased. "If you're polite," he chuckled. "Thank you," I accepted the stuffed animal, and hugged him tightly. "If only you were always this polite," Cedric grinned into my hair. "Oh, shut up," I muttered, yet I couldn't hide the wide grin that adorned my face, putting the stuffed badger in my bag.

"Are you going to be cheering me on for the second task?" Cedric asked hopefully. "Of course," I replied. "I'm still not quite sure how to open it without it screeching my ears off, but Professor Moody did tell me to.. take a bath with the egg.." he trailed off.

"Might as well try it," I shrugged. "Great, let's go!" Cedric exclaimed. "What? I'm not taking a bath with you!" I spluttered. "I never said we had to be fully unclothed, but if you insist.." he grinned innocently, looking at me with his grey orbs which were brimming with mischief.

Cedric dragged me to the prefect's bathroom, announcing the password and pulling me in alongside him. "I told you, I'm. Not. Going. To. Take. A. Bath. With. You." I snapped. He completely ignored my existence and turned on the taps, filling the bath with water and bubbles.

"Turn around," Cedric grinned. "Oh no, don't tell me you're going to strip here," I shook my head. Nevertheless, I turned. "Don't peek," I heard him chuckle. I heard the rustle of clothing and then the splashing of someone going into the bath tub. I stood rigidly, picking at my fingernails.

"You can turn now," I heard his amused voice. "I'd rather not," I replied awkwardly. "If you don't turn in three seconds, I'll splash you with water," Cedric warned. "You wouldn't dare," I hissed, yet I was completely sure if he wouldn't.

Seconds later, I felt warm soapy water crashing down onto me, drenching my back and running down my hair. I turned abruptly, quite shocked. "Cedric! What the hell did you just do?" I snapped. "I believe I splashed you with water as I had promised," he grinned cheekily, wand in his hand; he had used goddamn magic to lift up at least half of the bath water just to annoy me.

"Now, if you don't come into the bath, I haven't practised my favourite hex for a while," Cedric said. I sighed, before dumping my bag on the floor and climbing into the bath, sitting beside him, fully clothed; I was already wet anyways, what did it matter now. I crossed my arms and watched him grumpily. Before Cedric could begin to speak again, we heard moaning, which, seconds later, was followed by none other than Moaning Myrtle. She observed us for a second, before floating to Cedric slowly and flirtatiously.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Myrtle asked slyly, then continuing, "Cedric Diggory," Myrtle sighed, edging closer to him while he uncomfortably shuffled away, meeting my eyes pleadingly to stop whatever was happening. "And..who are you, may I ask?" Moaning Myrtle suddenly put all her attention on me, and I awkwardly looked down at the water. "y/n," I met her gaze. She let out a bark of laughter. Myrtle then coughed in a high-pitched voice, before turning back to Cedric.

She continued to edge closer, until she was sitting right next to him, laying her head on his shoulder, or attempting to, at least, since she couldn't exactly touch him.

Was this considered rape?

Cedric looked at me with slightly fear filled eyes, then without warning, pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me. My eyes widened in shock, and I pulled away, butterflies still flitting inside my stomach.

"Oh," Myrtle said in a disappointed voice, "You're dating, aren't you?"
"Yes," Cedric replied quickly before I could even open my mouth to speak.

"I thought you'd broken up already," Myrtle sighed. "Of course not, when did that happen?" Cedric hurriedly said, pleading me to go along with him by glaring at me and mouthing incomprehensible words. I shot him a puzzled look as he face palmed.

I rolled my eyes before forcing a laugh and choking out, "Yes, we are.. dating."
"I love thee with a love that shall not die, till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old," he grinned. He was having way too much fun with this. Did he really have to quote Shakespeare? Since when was he even aware of muggle poets such as him? Shakespeare? Really?

I internally facepalmed, and refused to pay attention to the butterflies still goddamn having a party in my body. "Alright, I'm leaving. Have fun!" I hopped out of the bath and, drenched, rushed out of the bathroom, grabbing my bag on the way out. Just to my luck, I just had to bump straight into Draco Malfoy?

"Oi! Watch where you're- Oh. Are you alright, y/n?" Malfoy asked, observing my drenched state. Since when were we even on a first name basis? Sure, we've been of acquaintance since last year when I had saved him from a bat bogey hex, but first name? "Uh, I'm fine, thank you, Draco," Godric, his first name felt so weird on my tongue. I must've not covered my surprise well enough, as Malfoy - Draco - chuckled and said with a smirk, "Wondering why I'm not being a usual brat aren't you?"
"Maybe," I replied. "I'm not as cruel as you think I may be, judging from the rumours that are always going around," he smiled, and I might as well have just had a heart attack then and there. What in the world was even happening?

"Anyway, the Yule Ball is coming up. I was wondering if you would do the honours of going with me?" he asked hopefully, and then added, "Save me from Parkinson. Please. She's an absolute nightmare."
So this was why he was being all friendly. "I'm sorry, but I'm already going with someone," I replied guiltily. His face fell, and then he quickly covered it up. "Oh. Save me a dance?" he questioned. "Of course," I said. He grinned. "You wouldn't believe what a massive crush I had on you in my second year. In fact.. I don't think it has even passed yet," Draco said smoothly, flustering me; I hadn't even noticed he existed during his second year, when I was in my fourth year.

I stood, speechless. Even though he was two years younger than me, he was practically my height, and he smirked and reached up to pat me on the head, then walked away with a spring in his step.


I've finally gotten this chapter posted!! I have no idea what my strange mind got up to at the end, but I hope you somewhat liked it! Please vote and comment ❤️

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