Just Don't Look

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NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! Dammit, so close. SO damn close! 

My face turning red, I picked myself up from the floor and made my way to my seat casually, knowing that I had no chance of hiding now. I slumped in my chair and buried my face in the sleeves of my sweater.

As for my ever so loyal best friend... He took a few moments to laugh at me, standing in one spot before sauntering over to the seat next to mine.

"What happened??" My shadow asked.

Oh, how sarcastic I wanted to be.

I lifted my head up slowly and ignored him. I had just tripped.

On my way to my seat.

While passing HIM.

Right by his desk.

At his feet.

Let me clarify this right here.

My best friend tripped my on my way to my seat right by HIS desk and I fell on the the floor by his feet. 

One more time? Okay.

My loyal best friend purposefully tripped me right next to my crush while he knew I was trying to rush to my seat and avoid being seen by HIM. And fucking laughed at me. 

Urgh. Our friendship is so strong.

When I had gotten up from the floor, a few people asked if I was okay and what happened without actually expecting me to answer. Everyone knew I liked him, but I had absolutely no clue if HE knew or not.

Funny, I fell right at his feet and he didn't say anything. He'd looked at saw me fall, but He didn't say anything. He didn't laugh either. 


Did he feel bad for me and didn't laugh? Or maybe he likes me back? lol nah. What if he laughed after I left? What if he didn't? What if he just now sees me as a dumb, clumsy idiot? 

What if I'm over thinking this? Oh yeah, I AM

I got lost in thought and I didn't notice my best friend talking to my crush. And... laughing. Oh. That can't be good.

All I could think was

Just don't look.

My friend came back and said nothing to me before I asked. He had a ridiculous smile clearly spelled out across his face the entire time.

What the hell did you do? I texted him during the lesson. Drawing lines, how difficult.

What do you mean?  he said. Oh, playing dumb, are we?

What did you say to HIM??? I furiously typed. He smirked when he read it and looked over at me. I gestured for him to tell me.

He silently laughed and shook his head. He glanced up at someone and when I looked, HE turned around. Oh.... this isn't good.

They'd glance at each other quickly and then look away, laughing and smirking.

They did this throughout the class, and not once did either one of them directly look me in the eye, (at least that I saw) but I sure know one thing.

That was one hell of a smile.

But which one?

Just don't look.

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