Ch.1 The Legend

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   "Hey, Yug!" Joey called. "Yes? What is it, Joey?" I said still walking forward to school. "You're almost sixteen! You happy about that?" Joey asked. "Yeah? I guess? I don't see why it's a big deal though?" I said Joey had a look of shock. "Yug! Turning sixteen is everyone's lifetime! It's where you get to meet your soulmate!" I stopped walking and turned to look at Joey and raised a brow at him. Having the look that said 'meet you're what again?'

   "Meet you're what?" I asked. "Your Soulmate!" Joey said with happiness and a big smile. "Yeah, right! Soulmates are not real," I said. "Yug, Soulmates are real! When you turn sixteen you would get a Soulmate." I gave Joey a look then smirked. "Oh, yeah? Joey, you're older than me and already sixteen? Then how come you don't have a Soulmate, right now?" Joey had his eyes open wide.

   "Uh? That's because only some people get Soulmates! And I'm one of them?" Joey said putting his hand behind his neck and I sighed. "Let me guess! You, read this on the internet? Joey, you can't believe everything you read on the internet! This must be embarrassing for you. An almost sixteen-year-old and short person telling a seventeen-year-old what not to believe." I laughed a little. "H-HEY!" He shouted. (Aaron: Sorry, Yugi but I had too. Please no on kill me).

   "Sorry, Joey but it's true!" I then continued to walk down the street to school. "Maybe you are, right, Yug?! Soulmates aren't real! But I will still believe," Joey said having this determined(?) look on his face! "Sure, Joey, sure! Believe whatever you what!" I softly laughed and walked into the front doors of the school. I went to my locker and changed my shoes from my outdoor shoes to my indoor shoes. Joey doing the same. 

   And we walked off to class but class has not started, yet. So I and Joey were early. "Joey," I called. "Yeah, Yug?" He asked turning to me. "Since you mentioned about soulmates. And since you don't have one..." I paused and he looked at me confused. "Come on, spit it out!" He said eagerly. I smirked evilly. "Then can I make your soulmate, Seto!" Joey had a look of shock and was blushing. "YU-YUGI!" He shouted. "Sorry, Joey! I couldn't help myself!" I started to laugh a little bit. "But anyway! You do not have the power to make Seto my, soulmate! Only the soulmate mistress can do that!" He said still blushing. 

   "Then..." I paused to think. "I will go visit her and tell her to make Seto your soulmate," I smirked. "You're going to tease me for this aren't you, Yug?" Joey asked and I just nodded at his question. And then I took out my deck and looking through it. Just to pass some time. "What are you doing, Yugi?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up to see Tristan. "Oh, hi, Tristan. I'm just looking through my deck," I said with a smile. 

   "Oh, cool! But... uh...?" He paused and pointed to Joey who was still blushing like crazy. I laughed a little. "When we were walking to school he asked if I was excited about my birthday. And he told me about the legend. About when you turn sixteen you would get a soulmate. And on your birthday you would get summoned to the soulmate realm," I said kind of sarcastically. 

   "Again with the soulmates, Joey. They aren't real," Tristan said with his eyes closed and arms crossed. Joey slammed his hands down onto his desk and pushed his chair back, so he was standing up. "I WOULD BELIEVE WHAT I WANT TO BELIEVE IN!" Joey shouted. "AND I SAY YOU SHOULD STOP BELIEVING IN THINGS THAT ARE STUPID!" Tristan yelled back getting in Joey's face.  

   Joey doing the same. "Oh, yeah... And I believe you and Duke are together!" Joey said giving him a smug smirk. "Wh-" Tristan said pausing and stepping back a little bit in shock. He then had the look of angry and he grabbed Joey by the collar. "WWWHHHHAAAATTTTT! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Tristan yelled looking angry. And they continued to fight. "This can go on for hours!" I sighed. 

~Time skips the end of the day~

   "You're lucky you didn't get detention, Joey!" I said with a sigh, taking out my outdoor shoes from my locker. "Yeah, me and Tristan both!" Joey said exhausted. I nodded as my response. Taking off my indoor shoes then putting on my outdoor ones. "Well... see you, Joey!" I said looking behind me and waving goodbye to, Joey. Joey did the same giving me a smile. 

   I smiled too and looked ahead of me. Walking back to the game shop. I had to make it there fast so I started to run. Since grandpa texted me he had to go to the store! So I ran as fast as I could. And before I knew it I was in front of the game shop. "All I have to do is wait a few minutes before grandpa gets back!" I said aloud and went inside. I then went to the house part of the shop and went to my room. I set my bag down and started on a little bit of my homework. 

   I even went to check on the shop to see if no one has broken in. And before I knew it I was already done with all of my homework and grandpa came home. "Welcome back, grandpa!" I said. "And the same to you!" Grandpa smiled walking back to the shop to open it again. 

~At Night~

(Aiko: I'm lazy. I'm sorry)

   I was all ready for bed. And it was almost midnight, which also means it's almost my birthday. I didn't want to wait, until midnight to see if what Joey was saying was true. I did look it up. Some people talked about the soulmate mistress who goes by many names, of course, it had to start with, soulmate. Soulmate mistress, princess, goddess, and even queen. They talked about what she might look like and how old she was. They even said what happens if they get picked by her. Some bragged about getting to go there and really seeing her. And getting their soulmate.

   Of course, they were lies. Those people just wanted attention and to be popular. There was even a chat room where people can either talk about it, talk hate, or anything else. I was on that chat right now actually! Seeing what people said about it. I commented from time to time. I have been going, at this for...? 4 hours... so I have been on this chat room since six.

Random_potato: It's almost my birthday! Well, the time that is!

Soulsaver86: Really? When is your birthday?

Random_patato: June 3!

   I was almost confused until I remembered that I live in Japan. And we are a day ahead of everyone. And just by looking at that text, it was morning by them. I was believing that it won't work. Since it says that you can only be summoned there at midnight when you're asleep. I'm not saying I'm believing in any of this... I'm just putting in facts. 

I thought in order to be summoned you have to be 16 and it happens at midnight?

(Aiko: I could not think of a good username for Yugi! Can someone help me T~T)

   I commented, getting a reply that said 'oh you're right!' I just smiled, rolled my eyes, and shook my head. 

It's almost my birthday anyway!

Loveofyourlife: Is it almost midnight where you are?

Yeah in like...?

   I looked at the time on my phone! And it read 11:50! I was shocked! The last time I checked the time it was only 10:00. Why was I in this chat room for so long?! 


   After I wrote that I started to feel sleepy. I plugged in my phone and covered up. And before I knew it I was closing my eyes and closing into something called darkness. But before I had fully gone into darkness. I saw a bright light with an outline of a boy. If I had to guess he was one year older then me. Or two years older. I don't know what time it is so I don't know if I'm finally 16. He then started to walk up to me and he kneeled down. But I could not see his eyes it was like his hair was covering them. 

He smiled at me and before I fell asleep and he said something. "Goodnight, Yugi!"  


Aaron: I have no member of shipping Tristan and Duke for some reason. Hmm, Weird. Well, hope you like this. 

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