Part 4

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Emily's pov: when Hannah opened the door we all were going to ask her what happened but taylor was behind her and they just went up to her bedroom she looked really happy if she was happy I was happy for her.

Aubrey's pov: I went out side to get some fresh air because I was kindof mad/sad then nash came and sat by me I was of corse crying he put his arm around me and asked me what was wrong I said I'm really Jellous that Hannah has a relationship like ..... Before I could finish I felt his lips crash into mine I had to admit I did like him even tho he bullied me 5 minutes later Hannah and taylor walk out they were going to get starbucks and they seen us Hannahs eyes opened wide and then nash seen taylor and they got mad at each other for likening the girls Hannah got in frount of taylor and said lets go then me and nash went to my house and he asked me if I would be his girlfriend I said yes and I was really happy that he was mine.

Aimee's pov: I was walking home when I felt someone pick me up it was my crush jack j he asked me if I wanted him to take me home. sure I said when we got to my house he asked me if he could stay over I said yes ,we got to know each other a little and he asked me out I said yes but I was scared of what all the girls would think

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