It's complicated.

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"I've been thinking," Sero said that night, as they sat in Jiro's room before the allotted curfew when the students had to be in their separate rooms.

"Yeah?" Jiro asked.

"I've been thinking of what Kaminari said... 'You shouldn't have come'... there's something there..." Sero thought.

"What?" Jiro asked.

"Well, I'm thinking... why not just say 'you wasted your time' or 'this was pointless'... why 'you shouldn't have come?', I mean that just sounds like he's scared."

"I guess your right," Jiro agreed, "Where are you going with this."

"I've been thinking like crazy about this and somethings just don't make sense," Sero sighed leaning forward, "Look, why did the traitor - who has been hiding and concealing himself very well for a long time - suddenly show himself during a mediocre villain attack? I mean, Shigaraki didn't even show... so why the hell did he stand up, and expose himself if it wasn't a guaranteed fight? It's like... it's like he turned himself in..."

Jiro leaned back on her bed, deep in thought. "I hadn't even thought of that... why did he expose himself like that? I mean... I understand trying to knock us all out with a discharge... but he didn't even use his max and he didn't knock us all out!? You're absolutely right... he gave himself to the authorities! That's crazy!... Why would he do that?"

"I've thought about that too," Sero sighed, "Look, I figure that if Kaminari was forced into this... blackmail or whatever else, they'd want him somewhere where they can find him. Maybe, he discovered something, or maybe he knows too much and tried to get out of the League, so they blackmailed him again and got him to turn himself in and go to Tartarus."

"But they can't do anything to him... He's in Tartarus," Jiro repeated.

"Maybe..." Sero began, he leaned back trying to figure that out.

"Unless..." Jiro began slowly. Sero perked up curiously.

"Unless?" He repeated.

"Well, back to Kaminari and his 'you never should've come,'... what if the league has infiltrated Tartarus too?"

"That's crazy!" Sero announced jumping to his feet, "It's the most secure - most crazy prison ever -"

"And it holds the league's big boss," Jiro reminded him, "If I were them, I'd put people in there. I'd bide my time slowly... if they gain enough control... they could control the most dangerous inmates in the world," she said this with a shaky voice realization dawning on her.

"This... This is - this is huge. Like - All Might huge... like... bad bad bad," Sero breathed.

"But all we have are conspiracies... we need proof," Jiro sighed.

They sat in silence for a bit.

Then Jiro's phone beeped; it was her mother wishing her goodnight. Jiro quickly sent a reply and then put the phone down. Then Sero had a lightbulb.

"A cell phone!" he cried.

"What?" Jiro asked stunned.

"How was he able to contact the league!? He had to have a secret communications device."

"Yeah... how does that help?"

"If we can find it, we may be able to see old messages, and if we can prove that he was blackmailed with those messages - "

"Yeah, but how do we find it?"

"We do something that might get us expelled," Sero admitted slowly.

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