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Kaminari sighed and looked down at the chains that attached his wrists to the table. He was still strapped to the chair but they had let his arms free... sorta. He could move them a little but the chains on his wrist always restricted him from moving too much. The rubber suit he wore was uncomfortable and it wasn't reassuring to know that it marked him "useless" quirk wise.

Apparently, he was going to have visitors... directly apparently, no glass or any barrier separating him for them. Which was why he was chained to a table and had twenty people watching his every movement from his heart rate to his breathing. Denki was expecting someone important; a world leader, the head of the Intelligence Agency, the Anti League Task Leader, Mr. Aizawa, someone who could face him without anything between them and be confident.

What he wasn't expecting, was Jiro to walk through the door.

"What are you - " Kaminari began, then he caught himself. Jiro looked at him and stepped into the room, behind her came Sero.

"Oh what... is all of Class 1-A waiting?" Kaminari asked. It was a joke, but there was some scorn behind it. Bakugo most likely wanted to kill him. Kirishima and Ashido probably couldn't even look at him. Yaoyorozu and Midoriya were probably still trying to understand how they had missed the signs. Mineta was probably mourning his one and only friend while also crying about being betrayed. Shinso... who knew how he was feeling, Kaminari felt a twinge of guilt for him and wondered how he would be doing after this betrayal of his first true friend.


Watching them carefully over many monitors was a room full of workers, and Mr. Aizawa.

"His blood pressure is rising," A worker commented.

"His brain waves are all over the place... they seem to be more centered around fear and anger..." another called.

"No movement to activate his quirk yet," the last assured them.

"Are you sure this is okay?" one of the workers asked Aizawa.

"Yes," Aizawa responded simply, "Meeting him directly is best."


The three were silent for a long time.

Kaminari on one end of the table, Jiro and Sero on the other side.

"Alright," Sero sighed, "Why'd you do it?"

"So Jiro didn't tell you?" Kaminari asked glancing at Jiro. 

"That's not what I'm asking," Sero interrupted, "I'm asking why you tried to get us off that field trip."

Kaminari chuckled, "So she didn't tell you. I did it because I thought I could get you two out of the way - "

"PINEAPPLE!" Sero shouted standing up and slamming his hand on the table. Sero had come fully intending to pull every inside joke imaginable so that he could find his old friend in this stranger who was trapped in Tartarus.

Kaminari jumped.

Jiro Jumped.

Everyone watching them jumped.

"What?" Jiro asked clearly confused. Kaminari, however, looked shocked.

"A few months ago Kirishima brought a Pineapple because it's his favorite fruit, he told us that he loved it because it was a tough fighter that ate you as you ate it. Bakugo called him out and... well you know what the rest isn't important. Ever since that day we've used the word pineapple instead of calling BS. So, I call pineapple!" Sero announced pointing to Kaminari.

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