Chapter twenty- two: Inheritance...

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"Harry..." Dudley whispered as he went back to kneel by him. 

Suddenly two large black wings erupted form the cut in Harry's back. A series of gasps sounded around the room before it went silent as Harry passed out from pain.


The next day Harry woke up in an infirmary. Well what he assumed to be one. It had all the equipment and the blank white walls but it wasn't Hogwarts. 

Then realization dawned on Harry's face as he remembered what had happened.

He had grown... Wings. 

'But then how did I get here?' He thought. 

'Must have been everyone.' He passed aside that thought as his head drifted around the room. His eyes rested on a familiar blond sitting in the chair next to his bed. 'He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping, I shouldn't wake him.' Harry thought affectionately.

So instead he tried to get out of bed but as soon as his feet touched the ground they flopped like jelly. 

'How long have I been in bed for?' Harry thought trying to use the side of the bed to stabilize himself.

The ruckus he caused must have woken up Draco as he started freaking out wondering where Harry had gone. 

"Harry where did you go!" He said panicking. 

"Down here." Harry said, his voice scratchy from not talking for so long. 

Draco ran over to see Harry and without a moments hesitation he pulled him off the ground and helped him stand. 

"What happened?" Both boys asked at the same time which made them smile.

"You came into you inheritance." Draco said.

"Oh and I just fell, back to the inheritance though how and why I though inheritances were later on like 13?" Harry asked.

Draco nodded, "Yes well according to Sev this one was a special inheritance which was a dormant one, which only comes out when you are in the right environment for it, in this case your rage brought on the inheritance." 

Harry's cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he remembered what he did in their training room.

"Don't be embarrassed Harry you weren't in full control," At the confused look from Harry Draco continued, "With these types of inheritances it always tries to come out so if you feel the emotion that it needs then it feeds off of it, multiplies it, until it consumes you and it can come out."

"Oh, how do you know all of this?" Harry asked.

"I read up when Mom and Dad told me what happened." Draco said casually.

"So this was the inheritance Tom and Snape thought I had?" Harry asked.

"No that's why this was so confusing, when you are a baby you only feel certain things, or rather can process certain things. As a baby you wouldn't have felt enough rage if any to bring out the dormant inheritance to defeat Tom. So we think you have another inheritance and this was one that was either passed down but skipped generations or a special one only given to few." Draco explained.

"Oh how do we know?" Harry asked.

"When you are well enough we are going to Gringots to get an inheritance test." 

"Who else is here? Is Mom and Dud? Wait how long have I been in here for?" Harry rushed out.

"Woah slow down, Everyone is here including your Mom and Dudley. Even Evan and your biological parents, they refused to leave until they saw you were okay. And you have been here for 2 days."

Harry nodded processing all of this information before saying, "What did you guys tell James, Lilly and Evan?" 

"We told them the truth. You went through and unexpected inheritance and you are resting, we also told them it was inside information and they cannot tell anyone especially Dumbledore."

Harry nodded, "I suppose I need to g and see them all then." 

Draco smiled and helped Harry walk a little to get his legs used to walking before they stopped at the door.

"Oh I almost forgot you may want to see yourself." Draco stated whilst summoning a mirror and giving it to a confused Harry.

He took it and looked in. He almost fainted, it was the same person only slightly younger as he saw in the mirror of erised. Harry now had longer hair which now perfectly framed his face. His hair was also a lot silkier than before. His eyes were the same color but they were now brighter and popped against his complexion. No one could deny it, he looked hot as hell. 'Holy shit wait till Theo sees this if he thinks I was hot before' Harry thought cheekily.

"Damn I look good." Harry and Draco chuckled.

"No one can disagree with that but anyway lets go see everyone." Draco said and they walked down the stairs together. 

The scene they arrived upon was quite hilarious to be honest.

Severus, Tom, Remus and Sirius were sitting in the corner of the lounge -trying but miserably failing- to ignore the squabbling around them. Petunia and James were yelling at each other, Lilly was standing in the middle trying to stop them but also trying not to take sides. Evan was looking at some exotic flower with Narcissa and chatting happily. Lucius and Dudley were on the couch and Lucius was showing Dudley a display of magic which included a fire works show, healing magic, a patronus  and many more marvels of magic. 

Harry and Draco stood at the door and suddenly burst out laughing causing everyone to stop and look at them. Instantly Dudley and Petunia were beside Harry hugging him tightly. Everyone else was not far behind and ready for their hugs. 

Once everyone had their share of hugs from Harry they all stepped back to take a good look at how Harry now looked. 

"How do you feel?" Dudley asked after a moment of silence.

"Alright now, not different really." Harry answered casually.

Dudley nodded and Petunia said, "You gave us a hell of a scare back there baby."

Harry smiled shyly and whispered, "Sorry."

"Not a problem." Sirius answered and Remus continued, "Yes it's not your fault you came into an inheritance no matter how bizarre." 

"Yes dear we are just glad no one got hurt." Narcissa said sweetly but Snape gave a noise of disapproval.

"I got hurt thank you very much." He stated blandly.

"What? How?" Harry asked and Draco looked on the verge of tears from holding back laughter. 

"I was punched for trying to help you." Snape scowled at Dudley.

"Hey how was I suppose to know that was helping all I knew was that you cut a huge wound into Harry's back." Dudley defended and everyone including Harry burst out laughing. 

"Sorry Sev but all fight have casualty's." Harry chuckled.

A small pop sounded around the room and a shy house elf whispered something to Narcissa. She smiled and nodded at the elf.

"Lunch is ready if you all want then later we can go to Gringots."

Everyone nodded and piled into the dining room.

A/N Hey guys sorry for the delay but I have some good and bad news. Good news is that exams are next week so after them I will have more time to update but bad news is that exams are next week... Yay. Anyway have a good day/night!

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