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What would've happened if Bianca wasn't kidding when she screamed"we're engaged" to the crowd during the ABCD tour?
(Female pronouns when in drag/ male pronouns when they are out of drag)

Courtney poked her head through the dressing room door to find adore touching up her makeup.
"Hey dorey, ready to roll?" She asked
Adore smiled at her friend through the mirror before looking at herself in the mirror one last time "yeah bitch let's go" She replied as she stood up and stepped onto the hallway with the blonde queen. They walked through the poorly lit backstage corridors to darienne and Courtney's dressing room where the shady elephant and the clown were chatting. The two queens entered, adore making her way over to the couch where Bianca was waiting with open arms, she quickly pecked her lips before cuddling to the older queens side, draping a lazy arm over the shorter queen's stomach. The four queens made small talk about what bar they were planning on heading to after the show when the stage manager popped in "Alright ladies, showtime" he announced before returning to the hall, 'probably to deal with the tech guys' adore smiled to herself. Bianca and adore walked hand in hand through the door and followed the C and D of season 6, Bianca glanced down toward their linked hands and smiled to herself until she noticed the ring on adores hand "baby, are you gonna wear your ring?" Bianca asked, making adore stop in her tracks "oh fuck, I forgot to take it off, I'm gonna go do that. Come with me?" She asked looking at her lover, Bianca smiled and nodded and they hurried to the dressing room labeled 'Bianca Del Rio & Adore Delano'. The taller of the pair pulled out the safe box from her bag and unlocked it, she slid the ring off her finger and placed it inside, making sure to lock it back up afterwards. She sighed sadly as she faced the older queen once again
"What's wrong, chola?" Bianca asked as she wrapped her arms around Adore's torso "I just hate taking the ring off, it feels like I'm betraying our relationship" Bianca frowned "I know it's hard but remember that we are planning to make that couples for cash shit to announce it in a few weeks" Bianca said as she rubbed circles onto the queen in her arms, Adore pulled away and smiled slightly at the reminder "I just wish that the fans knew so I could wear my ring but not know so we can make the special announcement", Bianca stroked adores cheeks and smiled sympathetically "I know baby, I know"
"Bianca, adore!!!" Yelled Courtney from the corridor
"Oh fuck let's go, shows about to start" adore exclaimed as she dragged (no pun intended🤪) her lover down the hall.

After their performance of 'you've got a friend in me' and some light banter with the audience, the top 4 were preparing to separate for their individual performances, Bianca kept grabbing Adores hand throughout the show, which made Adore's heart full, she still couldn't believe taht she had managed to get Bianca to like her, then proceeded to date her, and propose to her, it still felt surreal that in just a few months she would be able to call Bianca her 'wife with a dick'. Adore was about to announce her departure so she could get prepared for her performance, when Bianca screamed "WE'RE ENGAGED!" Adore's eyes widened for a moment as she froze, she didn't want to look suspicious or nervous so she wrapped herself around the older queen from behind as she looked toward the audience, looking to the side she saw a nervous looking Courtney. Darienne and Courtney didn't know that this is how they were going to announce it but they also noticed that adore wasn't wearing her beloved ring so therefore chose not to comment, opting for just smiling at nervously laughing at the duo.

The show came to a close and the top 4 were hanging out in one of the dressing rooms as they de-dragged. After sliding into a hoodie, Danny walked over to where Roy was sitting, scrolling through Twitter, and plopped down next to him "hey willow" He asked, claiming the man's attention "hi, my angel" roy replied, kissing Danny's cheek "what was that on the stage?" Danny asked trying not to sound confused, but failing, Roy chuckled and simply replied "well, you said you wanted the fans to know without really knowing, they clearly all think I was kidding, so basically I said announced it, but at the same time I didn't because nobody thinks I'm serious" Danny burst out laughing and kissed Roy
"Eww get a room" Darienne said while Courtney fake gagged at the couple "oh fuck off cunt" Roy replied laughing
"That's so smart, baby. Thank you" Danny said returning to the topic, Roy smiled and ran his hand through Danny's messy hair "remember you only have to wait 2 more weeks until we do couples for cash and you can wear your ring all the time" he reassured.
Hey guys!! So, a few things:
1. Sorry that this is ASS but I wanted to get it up because I said I would upload like two days ago and I didn't (oops!)
2. Do you guys want a Drabble about their experience on 'couple$ for ca$h'/ announcement?
3. Please let me know what you thought, and feel free to leave suggestions, ideas, prompts, whatever in the comments or in PM!


BIADORE // drabbles & one shots Where stories live. Discover now