——The night breeze seemed to have paused all of a sudden, and the air began to condense square inch by square inch into tiny, twinkling, bladelike crystals.

Every flower shrub around them cracked simultaneously under the heavy pressure.

"...Chairman Chu." At this explosive moment, Zhou Yi suddenly broke into laughter, "The way you talk really reminds me of my ex-wife..."

The tension surrounding him relaxed at once, as if the head-to-head confrontation just now was simply an illusion. Smiling, Zhou Yi snapped his fingers, and a tall square table with a wine set on it suddenly appeared next to him out of thin air. He poured a small amount of red wine into the crystal glass and asked, as though nothing had happened, "Chairman Chu, how about a glass of wine?"

Chu He replied coldly, "There is probably something wrong with your head. Have you seen a doctor yet?"

"Oh, I think I'm quite fine like this. Do you have a problem with me?"

"No." Chu He said. "I just thought... No wonder your wife has become your ex-wife."

Surprisingly, Zhou Yi did not react to his provocation. Not only that, there was now an even bigger smile on his face. "You must have misunderstood something. The problem between me and my ex-wife is very complicated. It's not something I can explain in a few minutes... Let me try to put it in simpler terms. What are some of the main causes for divorces you've seen in human society?"

Chu He suddenly found the conversation rather absurd, but he still answered a few moments later, "Cheating, infertility, and not getting along."

Zhou Yi said, "Different people have different opinions on whether two people get along or not. We had two sons, so infertility can be ruled out as well. As for cheating, well, we've been together for at least a thousand years or so. Even if there were one or two affairs, it wouldn't be a big deal—— Are you sure you don't want some wine?"

Chu He shook his head. Zhou Yi clicked his fingers, and everything disappeared again except the wine glass in his hand.

"Thinking about it afterwards, the main reason he left me is because our first son died."

Zhou Yi finished the wine with one gulp. Tossing the glass casually into the air, he slowly continued, "And he thought I caused it."

Chu He finally lost control of himself: "You should have saved that for your ex-wife. How is telling me going to help?!"

"Oh, perhaps I've been keeping it to myself for too long. Now I just want to hear someone else's judgement." Zhou Yi said, slowly and almost methodically, "After all, killing one's own son is a hell of a crime that even I myself find a little disturbing... Besides, I think he was clearly the one most responsible for it. If he hadn't spoiled him so much, resulting in that child committing a heinous crime which made the gods and buddhas from the Six Realms cast down the Heavenly Condemnation..."

Chu He turned around and left. The transparent wall at the garden gate suddenly radiated a bright blue, but it soon collapsed right before one of Chu He's furious fingers.

In a frightening voice, Zhou Yi exclaimed, "Did I say you could leave?!"

He disappeared into the air. The very next second, he appeared behind Chu He and stretched his hand toward Chu He's neck!

Chu He blocked him with the back of his hand and swung his fist at him, blowing the man's face to the side. Then, Zhou Yi kneed him in the abdomen —— a blow so heavy that it could probably make an ordinary person throw up their internal organs!

Even someone like Chu He tasted blood in his throat almost instantly, but his movement didn't stop at all. Swallowing back the blood he had vomited, he threw an uppercut at Zhou Yi with his elbow and successfully staggered him.

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