Chapter 8

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Volume 1: Incident of H City's Earth-born Fetus

Chapter 8 – Your ex-wife is perfect in every aspect, except for his taste in men, which is just shit...

Chapter 8 – Your ex-wife is perfect in every aspect, except for his taste in men, which is just shit

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After closing the door, Zhang Shun looked back at his brother who was now curled up on the sickbed. The sight hammered on his heart.

He knew his cries for help were the very reason that his brother could suddenly wake up from the coma.

That was just how amazing human potential was. A dying mother would wake up at her child's cry, and a husband trying to save his wife would suddenly come up with enough strength to lift a car. People would risk their lives for things they wished to protect with all their hearts. It was a dreadful power that was hard to imagine.

At that moment, Zhang Shun once again thought of Chu He's plea —— Could you please give Mahā's life back to me?

Who was Mahā? Countless doubts hovered inside Zhang Shun's mind like clouds, but there was one thing he was certain of: if Chu He really wanted it, he could give up everything to fulfill his wish.

Li Hu spoke resolutely, but she came rather slow. There wasn't any news from her for more than an hour. Zhang Shun tried to make a call through the inter-phone, but all he got was a busy tone, as if the signal had been cut off. Therefore, he could only gaze at the door in fear. When he thought that Li Hu would never come, a series of distant explosions suddenly broke out in the building.

Zhang Shun's pupils constricted at once. He heard the sound approaching rapidly, immediately followed by a loud bang as if something heavy was thrown against the door!

Zhang Shun jumped to his feet. "Li Hu? Li Hu, is that you?!"

"Don't open the door!" On the other side of the door, Li Hu was yelling at the top of her lungs, "You must not open the door!"

"Are you okay?! What happened to you?!"

"I'm fine- Ahhhhh!!"

Li Hu suddenly let out a shrill cry. Her voice sounded almost inhuman. However, before second young master Zhang could ask, he heard Li Hu's trembling words, "Don't... Don't open the door. Stay with your brother, don't come out... Ahhh——!"

Zhang Shun had never seen a woman suffering like this in front of him. He was about to rush out when a man's deep, icy voice suddenly sounded outside the door, a voice that gave him a deep sense of foreboding just by the mere sound of it: "Forty-nine Monster Sealing Nails. Let's see how long you can stay alive."

A sharp swish cut through the air, and Li Hu's distorted scream rang out once again, "Feng Si! Feng Si I know you're in there!! Wake up! You motherfu —— Ahh!!!!"

Boom! There came another shattering rumble. Zhang Shun couldn't hold himself back anymore. He ran up and pulled it open!

In the next second, cold and slimy air surged toward him like waves. Before Zhang Shun could even understand what was going on, a heavy blow had already hit him right in the the chest and knocked him into the air!

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