It's Opinion - Interview With Nightmare Mirage

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When Did You Join The Fandom?

I considered myself a 'brony' when I registered on an MLP forum, that was April 2017. However, I didn't actually become active until July that same year because I was still nervous and uncertain about being a brony.

Why Did You Join The Fandom?

I wanted to be part of all the excitement, art and friendliness of the Brony community. The show is amazing, and the fans make it all even more amazing!

How Has Your Experience In The Fandom Been So Far?

It's been bittersweet. People are people. The fandom is not perfect, and it has its share of well, mean spiritedness and ordinary human follies. However, it is the most friendly and supportive fandom I've ever been in, and as someone said to me recently, 'the good, friendly ones vastly outnumber the hateful ones'. And that's certainly true.

Have you found the majority of members are kind, good people, or unkind and entitled people?

The vast majority of the fans genuinely want to make friends, be kind, and create art. They want to feel the magic that is friendship, and share it. However, many are shy, and it just takes some time to get to know them. Once they open up, you really see how wonderful they are! I've seen quite a few quiet and shy fans turn into the life of the party after they feel comfortable with the rest of us. It's really amazing to see such innocent and beautiful expressions of compassion and joy come out and lighten up everyone's day.

What Are The Top Two Reasons You Continue To Participate In The Fandom?

1) I have made very good friends. Even if the show disappears, we will still be friends...and probably still talk about ponies.

2) It's a lot of fun! The music and art are still alive and well. Bronies are here to stay.

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