Midoriya looks hilarious.

"HUH!" The young boy screamed slumping over in an attempt to look like a gangster, I laughed the large hoop earrings Momo had shoved onto me shaking slightly.

I can't believe I'm able to laugh right now.

He would want you to be happy- not worried about him.

You act like he's dead.

No- we were acting like he was dead.

We aren't anymore.

"Ok ok calm down we're getting closer," Iida muttered unable to suppress a small smile that broke his otherwise serious expression.

"We as teachers of U.A. have failed to protect our students and for that we are terribly sorry," a familiar voice called out causing me to turn my head.


"Are you taking steps to retrieve the student?" A reporter asked loudly.

Student? He has a name.

"Rest assured we have been talking with our staff of pro heroes on how to handle this situation." Dad answered staring right at the camera.


"How do we know you aren't just doing this to preserve the image of the school?" A different reporter asked shoving a microphone in his face.

That's rude.

"We all care about this student deeply," Dad cleared his throat closing his eyes before looking back at the camera his eyes somehow meeting mine. "That student is my daughters soulmate I assure you that I'm doing everything I can to get him back."

"Any other questions?" Vlad King the 1B teacher stepped up the camera shifting focus.

Thank you Dad.

"What kind of half assed response is that," an older man in the crowd spoke up laughing slightly. "He's probably lying about his daughter there's no way that mess could have a wife."

Or he could.

"Don't you think it's a little wrong to think that," I muttered harshly under my breath getting the attention of the greying man.

"Why are you defending him don't you know what they did?" He scoffed his hot breath hitting my face the smell of alcohol following.

Of course I know I live with him.

"Y/N let's go," Todoroki urged scowling at the man.

Yeah let's

We walked for a little while longer before the tracker Momo was looking at started to let out a long dull tone.

We're in the middle of a residential district.

"It's that house," Kirishima pointed ahead glancing back at me. "You ready Y/N?"


"Let's go around the side," Midoriya muttered pointing to the side of the building.

For some reason I'm really excited- I shouldn't but I am.

We moved into the alleyway wordless out backs pressed up against the wall of a neighboring house.

"There are windows up there," Momo pointed up at the wall.

Bakugo we're coming.

"Kirishima hoist me up," I muttered glancing up at them.

For a second I...

I could imagine Bakugo tied up in a chair the scarred villain looking over him flames dancing at his fingers.

Get those thoughts out of your head.

Kirishima hoisted me up I peered into the dark space, shadows loomed in one corner of the room but other than that I couldn't see much.

"Y/N can you see anything?" Midoriya asked jumping on his tiptoes.

Sorry to disappoint.

"No it's way too dark," I shook my head.

Still there's definitely something in there.

"Here try this," Momo passed me a pair of goggles.

She's a genius.

I slipped on the goggles a hazy green filling my vision.

Ok Bakugo reveal yourself.

"Y/N do you see anything now?" Iida asked glancing up at me.

Yeah I do- I do.

"What do you see?" Kirishima grunted under my weight.

I see a-

"There's a lot of them- they're monsters." I choked on my words.





trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now