Chapter Eight: Deserted Islands Galore!

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"All packed and ready for the trip?"

Mizuki averts her gaze from Goro Sasabe's fishing boat and wrinkles her nose at Gou, standing near with her own bag of necessities. Her mother literally had to drag her out of bed this morning. Just looking at the ocean makes her insides churn.

"Maybe you need to sit this one out," Gou advised, noticing Mizuki's pale complexion. That's something she really wants to do, but the boys promised to help out at the ramen shop yet again, and her old man was more than eager to work them to the bone. After the sacrifice they made, she has to see this through.

"Watching the guys swim long distances in the deep blue isn't exactly fun. I can't bail out because I have to monitor their muscle progress."

"You mean their progress in general, Kou-chan—keep your eyes locked on the results."

"It basically adds up to the same thing," Gou shrugs. Her eyes sparkle as a thought crosses her mind. "Mizuki-senpai, what body type do you prefer?"

Mizuki holds up her hand. She really doesn't see the attraction. Of course, she can appreciate the male anatomy, but never enough to become a slave to her hormones. She's just not programmed that way. "I'm not interested."

"Not even when the guys strip down to their swimwear?"

Mizuki pinches the bridge of her nose when Haruka's slacks hit the concrete. Makoto pulls him away with effort and apologizes profusely to the girls. Mizuki purses her lips, then scowls at Gou. "Okay, what is it?"

The redhead covers one side of her mouth. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed. Haruka-senpai was sneaking a look at you! He's been looking at you a lot, actually. Kind of weird."

Surprise barbs through Mizuki as she unwittingly holds her breath. Despite knowing that he's held no romantic interest in anyone before, she looks at Haruka anyway, has to catch a glimpse to be sure. As if he feels her eyes on him, he looks up from his now zipped up slacks and faces her.

There's a light in the boy's dull eyes, an unmistakable expression of interest that startles her. Great. He caught her staring. Doesn't matter. We're friends after all.

But damn Gou. Damn her, damn her, damn her! She suddenly feels like a penguin around Haruka, heavy and awkward as they are on the ground. It's awkward to talk to him; it's awkward to smile, when Haruka holds out his hand for her to hold. This trip is already messing with her head and they haven't even set sail yet!

Presently Rei carefully boards the shabby fishing boat, watching the water with alarmed lilac eyes, and wondering if he'll survive the trip. Mizuki dismisses Haruka, then runs lightly forward and hooks her arm with Rei's. He pushes up his glasses with a start and looks at her. A flash of undisguised embarrassment transfigures his face.

"Haruka-senpai is down that way—" he speaks quickly and nervously, as if knowing he'll spit out something ridiculous before he even says anything.

"I know," Mizuki answers carelessly as she snatches his red-framed glasses and tries to focus her goggled eyes on the view. "You really can't see much without these, can you?" she comments, squinting her eyes.

Rei gently retrieves his glasses with a dead-pan expression. "Something happened."

"Not at all—everything is fine!"

Haruka would have liked to follow Mizuki on board, but he thinks she might dislike this and keeps his distance. He remains in Makoto's company, and without looking at Mizuki, he's aware of her movements.

Soon enough the boat's engine roars.

"Are you alright, Mizuki-senpai?"

"Oh, I'm nervous—just a little. I don't do well on boats, especially when they go out into very deep waters. It makes me feel uncomfortable and dizzy." Rei shakes his head. Certainly Mizuki wouldn't be in the quandary she is now if she used her head.

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