"Did old you know her?"

"Yeah, but we were not really close."

"Like you are now?"

His eyes squinted, and I panicked. "Do you like Nong Ruth?!" Way to go Noh, just blurt it out, that's just the way to do it so he doesn't find out. I wanted to hit myself.

Phun frowned, "what are you—"

"Just answer," since I have already taken the dive I better fall straight down.

"Yeah, sure." He sounded... dry, bleak, but that answer was as good as any. I smiled, "Okay, come to the theme park by three tonight."

"Noh," he tried to stop me but I was a man on a mission. I ran off while he called my name. I didn't look back even once. When I was far from the department I paused and rubbed my chest a bit.

"Okay," I whispered, let's get ready.

That evening, I kidnapped Road to help me get the place ready and naturally Word sneaked his way along like a parasite, but I got him doing all the work haha. I and Road no longer have much to do but seat around and watch Word tie on ribbons and carry chairs.

"Are you sure about this?"

I blinked, not following what he was talking about.

"Are you sure about setting Phun up with Nong Ruth."

"He likes her, he told me so himself."

"Really?" road sounded astonished which was more expression I have seen him give outside of playing his guitar.


"No, I just thought Phun was more interested in you."

I laughed," what gave you that idea?"

"He is always coming to see you, he gets jealous when you are with other guys?" I paused. Jealous, Phun got jealous of me with other guys?

"What are you saying, that Phun likes me?"


"He said he likes Nong Ruth, you are just imagining things."

"Or you are just in denial." I glared at him. "Look at it this way," he began, "What if Phun decides to really date Nong Ruth, will that make you happy."

I gape at him, "are you kidding that would make me ecstatic."

He sighed, shrugged and got up to go assist Word with the tables. What's with him, he was the one who told me not to give in to Phun, and I am trying not to. I am setting him up to get a girl whom he said he likes. He told me that.

But a part of me thought it wasn't true; Phun didn't really like Nong Ruth, but then why did he say he did and why is he agreeing to come here tonight. Oh right, I intentionally made it so that it looked like he would be coming to meet me but it would be Nong Ruth waiting here for him in boy's clothes instead. I taught her to be pouty mouth like me with difficulty, I don't think Nong Ruth has ever called anyone an asshole before or said fuck. Anyway, she was perfect for Phun. I am not going to seat here second guessing my decision.

So the time came. I walked home with my guitar while glancing at the time. It was already seven thirty, by this time Phun and Ruth ought to have met and were likely enjoying the show I set up for them and eating the food. Phun is going to pay me back once he is happy with his new girlfriend, but he won't be. He would probably turn Nong Ruth down.

I feel a little cruel since I set up this whole thing with the half mind that it is going to get fucked up. Ruth would probably get hurt when Phun rejects her. But... what if he doesn't reject her.

My feet stopped moving on their own as I stared at the empty road with the street lights casting a whitish glow on the path. I could already see my apartment building. I should go home and rest. I have done a job well done and if Phun and Ruth get together I will be free.

I wanted to move but my feet won't obey me. Okay, I decided, I just want to see if my plans are going well, that's all. I won't sleep unless I know how everything happened.

I rushed to drop my guitar then I raced back to the theme park. The space I had prepared for Phun and Ruth was glowing with yellow lights and the chairs were still tucked into the table. The glassware and china wares were unused. In other words it was empty.

A smile broke forth on my face and I didn't even know when it started. Probably around the same time I concluded that those two didn't even eat or seat or maybe they didn't even come here. Hehe. I felt like laughing and chuckled a bit then I lost my smile as I thought: I am probably insane. Why the hell am I so happy to see that the date ended early? I've got a serious mind problem.

I really want Phun to get a girlfriend and forget about us, but when I think of his admitting that he likes Nong Ruth, I feel something poking my chest. I grimace at my thoughts and turned to return home.

It was dark at the park; many of the rides are out of commission so not many people were there. But even in the darkness, I could still recognize two people holding hands talking next to the lake. Phun and Ruth.

I stepped forward, "they didn't go home?" I murmured.

They were talking and looking at each other. Phun had a great height over Ruth and he was talking softly. In a moment after I began watching, they were hugging. My eyes widen and my chest pounded and then I came to the shocking conclusion that I don't like this. I don't like seeing Phun with her.

I turned around and ran from my thoughts. What am I thinking, why am I like this? I ran till the theme park was a long distance behind me then I stopped running and bought myself a drink.

I am an idiot, I decided. What was I running from? This is exactly what I wanted. True, it was a shock to see that Phun really was going to start dating Ruth but I already knew this would happen; he said he liked her.

I covered my face with my hands and lowered my head. The pressure on my chest still wasn't getting relived. I am such a fool. I can't believe that I like Phun like this. So I am gay after all. Gay for Phun. That asshole, I thought he wanted us to take a break, what was he doing getting a girlfriend.

After a little while, I went home like a kicked cat; my head lowered, my shoulders drooping. I got to my door and took out my key but there was a person standing there.

"Noh, where did you go? I've been waiting for you."

It was Phun. I blinked speechlessly at him.

"Noh," his call shook me from my silence and I faked a smile.

"Yo, Phun, what you doing here."

"Waiting for you, ass, didn't you hear me?" he looked at his wristwatch as I pouted. I was too shocked to respond, did I really like this jerk?

"School must have closed ages ago, where did you go, "then his face turned pissed, "did you go to meet someone again?"

"No, no," I quickly denied, and then I was pulled into a hug.

"Good, don't go to anyone else Noh, be with me. "

"Huh?!" I'm blinking like I have epilepsies. 

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