Chapter 2

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Author's note: hey guys! I didn't plan on finishing this story since I have so much I want to do but after reading it again due to the helpful reminder of a comment, I have decided to finish it. It is short, probably around ten to fifteen chapters. I hope I get your support for this guys. Please read and enjoy and don't forget to vote.

Chapter Two

The next morning I went to visit the unconscious student council secretary. I had assistance because according to doctor Gray, I shouldn't do anything stressful and moving around as I liked counted as stressful so I was seating like a boss on a wheel chair in my butt gown—I mean my hospital gown.

I was looking pretty awesome being pushed around and I tried to seat in a nice bored pose like one of those Don guan characters, in the movies.

When we neared Phun's room I thought it was the room of one celebrity with all the flowers and get well cards lying around. Ohh, young master Phun sure has a lot of admirers. I never really understood that at school; why people liked the clean and proper Phun, and even though I didn't hate him, I just couldn't see why he was so great.

P' pushed me into the room that was occupied by an elderly woman and Nong Pang, Phun's little sister. They both turned similar eyes my way and they looked like night zombies. I should tell Nong Pang not to show up like that again in my room at midnight. I nearly had a heart attack.

"Noh," Phun's mother walked over to me and I shyly affected an innocent and kind pose. She suddenly hugged me. Why was she hugging me?! I didn't have that kind of close relationship with her and also isn't this the first time we are seeing each other face to face.

"I'm so glad you are okay," she breathe and it was really sincere. I said nothing and waited till she pulled away.

"I wanted to come visit you but," her sad eyes moved to the bed. On it I could see a body, I mean a person who was sleeping, not dead. But he might as well be with how still he was.

When Nong Pang came to my room and told me about Phun. I felt something strange in me and I urgently wanted to see him for some reason. I almost couldn't seat still but the stupid nurse on duty that night said I couldn't go anywhere that night so I had to stay put. She even scolded Nong Pang for coming to my room without permission and drove her away.

I was so fretful that I didn't sleep until I could come here.

"How long has he been like this?" I asked. Rolling my chair towards the bed, I got a closer look at his body. Phun didn't look like I remembered. He was older now, though his hair was still as long, his face still as round but his skin was very pale and though he looked peaceful and was breathing, he didn't look quite alive.

"As long as you have," she said. "The doctors said he didn't suffer as much as you in the accident and that he would just needed surgery then he'd be fine but after the surgery he hasn't woken up. They said they are hopeful," she took a deep breath like she was having difficulty breathing and when I looked at her she was near tears.

"But they said I should prepare myself for the worse."

"The worse?"

"That P'Phun won't ever wake up again," Nong Pang finished for her mom who looked like she couldn't go on.

I looked at Phun and that unrest in my heart grew. "Wait, you said accident? Did Phun get into the same accident I did?"

The mother and daughter shared a look and P' sighed behind me. I got agitated by their behaviors.

"Noh, you and Phun were, you two were in a relationship"

My head exploded. Not my head, something in the hallway fell with a loud crash but it might as well be my head. "By in a relationship you mean..."

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