Chapter 1: Strange Email

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Here is the first chapter of this story! I hope you'll like it!


P.S. : (D/N) is the name of the daughter of (Y/N) and Seven!

3rd person pov

"(D/N), wake up! Come on, you'll be late for school and I'll be late for work!" said (Y/N) in a kind manner. Noticing that her daughter still wouldn't wake up, she sat next to her on her bed and lightly shook her shoulders:

"Come on, sweetie. It's time to get up." whispered (Y/N) gently, kissing her temple. With a groan, (D/N) rose up and rubbed her eyes.

"Mom... do I really have to go? I wanna sleep..."

"Hehe, you're just like your father. And yes, you do have to go. Moreover, have you forgotten what you've planned with uncle Saeran?"

"Ah, you're right! We'll go to the cinema after school! I have to get ready or I'll be late!" said (D/N) while running to the bathroom. Seeing her daughter getting ready in such a hurry with a big smile on her face, she couldn't help but think about everything that she had went through in the past: she couldn't believe that she recovered from anorexia, Saeyoung succedded in overcoming his depression and Saeran became happy again. It took all of them a lot of patience, a lot of years and most of all, a lot of tears. Especially when (Y/N) found out everything about Saeyoung's and Saeran's past: how he left Saeran in order to protect him and how Rika used and tortured Saeran. And they, as well, shed a lot of tears when (Y/N) told them everything: how Rain left her, how she was abused and ridiculed by her mother and couch and what she had to go through because of her job as a hacker and because of her depression and anorexia. However, despite of all the suffering, (Y/N) was happy that she now lived together with her daughter and husband, and of course, all of her friends from RFA in peace.

Deep in thought, she hadn't noticed that her daughter was pulling at her arm:

"Mommy!!! Why aren't you answering me?? Let's go in the kitchen, I'm hungry!"

"I'm sorry sweetie, I was deep in thought. Let's go, shall we?" said (Y/N) before getting up and going to the kitchen together with her daughter. When they entered the room, (D/N) quickly sat at the table and started eating a sandwich that Saeyoung made, who was also sitting at the kitchen table. Seeing his lovely wife, he immediately stopped eating and rose from his chair, giving (Y/N) a kiss on the lips:

"Morning honey~ I saved some coffee for you. Want some?"

"No, I'm fine. I'll drink some later at the office. Have you finished the cat robot? I hope you have; Jumin will not be pleased if you haven't."

"Yep, it's all ready! And guess what: our beautiful daughter helped me with it! She's really smart." said Saeyoung. At his comment, (D/N) grinned and stared at her mother, feeling proud:

"Yeah, that's right!! Aren't you glad, mommy? I'm really smart!"

"Of course I'm glad sweetie... But I don't think-"

"Ohh nooo! It's really late!! Mommy, I'll go to the bathroom and then we have to leave or I'll be late! I'll be right back!" interrupted (D/N) her mother in a hurry and then quickly went to the bathroom. Sighing, (Y/N) cupped Saeyoung's cheek and carefully told him:

"Saeyoung... I think it's great that she can do such things at such a young age... However, I don't think it's wise for her to-"

"I know, I know. We need to keep her away from computers, the internet."

"No, silly... I'm not that extreme. Just... from hacking."

"I know, but it's just a robot that looks like a cat. I don't think it's that big of a deal."

Fix me up | 707 x Reader, Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz