Chapter 1 - MINE!!!

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The war ended quickly with Dumbledore's death. He had thought that he could die a hero's death and that no one would be any wiser on his plan to drive dark wizards and witches to extinction. But he was wrong. Oh so very wrong. Dumbledore had been right to refuse to teach Harry himself the Mind Arts. Voldemort had used his link with Harry and carefully snuck past the old man's shields and discovered his plans. Then he simply let the old man off by Snape's hand. Once Dumbledore was gone there was no one left to guard the Grounding Stones that held the centuries-old spell. Voldemort and his Death Eaters quickly went about destroying them and showing the world that Dumbledore was not the wizard that everyone believed him to be. 

People were still looking for how Dumbledore had set the spell, but what the spell did had mostly been unveiled. For starters, it entered the minds of House Elves owned by Dark Wizard families. It whispered into their ears how the children would never be safe in their current homes. The voice would beg and plead to House Elf to take the baby to the Muggle world and leave it with a Muggle family. Eventually, the voice and the guilt would drive the House Elf mad. The House Elf could never speak of what it had done. Even if the House Elf did say what it had done, who would believe a mad and babbling House Elf that was talking nonsense? The muggle family would find the baby and the baby's magic sensing that the baby needed to be protected from the world and convince the family that they had always wanted the baby and help it to blend in with their new life.

The second thing that the stones caused was unease among both the light and dark wizards. Those with naturally light cores received one frequency, while those with naturally dark cores received another frequency. Each time these frequencies were in close contact with one another, they clashed, causing strong dislike which over time grew into hate for each other.  

Voldemort destroyed the stones and absorbed the latent energy making him the most powerful wizard alive. No one dared challenge him. His first act was to round up all the "Muggle Born" children and test them for their lineage. While this was being done, he rounded up all the members of the Order Of The Pheonix. While many of them were no longer under the spell, many of them were still loyal to Dumbledore. They were sent to Azkaban. Among them were Molly, Arthur, Kingsley, Moody and many others. Percy managed to save his younger siblings by staking claim over them and proving his loyalty laid with the Ministry and never with Dumbledore. Bill and Charlie fled the country. McGonagall was left in charge of the school as her loyalties laid with the school and the protection of the children. Besides, the children needed a familiar face to lead them through this hard time. After all, it wasn't easy to find out that the people that raised you were not your parents. The Death Eaters who were getting their long lost children back wanted to make the transition as easy as possible for the children. 

Voldemort started it by Harry Potter as his Grandson. Son of his stolen daughter Lily Evans. As it turned out, he had not delivered the killing blow, but rather Peter Pettigrew had. Voldemort had wanted to meet his grandson and place protection spells on him. Dumbledore's spell had warped Peter's mind and made him think that killing the Potters was what Voldemort wanted. 

The third day into the lineage testing would stick in everyone's minds for many years to come. Bellatrix Lestrange had come shrieking into the Great Hall. "This is taking sooooo long!!! I want my daughter! GIVE ME BACK MY LITTLE STAR! NOW!!!" All the girls in the Great Hall cowered at her words an struggled to make themselves as small and unnoticeable as possible. Everyone had heard of how crazy the witch was.  No one wanted to be claimed as her's.  Severus and the rest of the Death Eaters waited for her craziness to calm down as she stormed up and down the rows.

  Grasping talons pulled a black haired girl from Ravenclaw in front of the potions master. "Test her!!! TEST HER NOW!!!!" Bellatrix hissed in a fit of crazed anger. An anguished wail left the witch as the girl was carted off to a different Dark family. Again Bellatrix stormed up and down the rows snatching and discarding girls too young or too old. It did not take Snape and The Death Eaters to realise that she was looking for someone in Harry's year or a year older. Another black haired girl was dragged up. Then a girl with curly hair was dragged up. None of them proved to be right though as they were both sent to different Dark families. Hermione flattened her hair as best as she could as Bellatrix approached her table, to avoid being taken for a searching. This movement was a mistake, as Bellatrix's claw-like fingers snatched at her hair. Hermione felt her head being wrenched back and forth as Bellatrix looked for any sign that they may be related. She must have found one because Bellatrix dragged the young lioness to the front. 

Severus said nothing as he pricked Hermione's finger for the required blood and squeezed it onto the special parchment. Hermione's family tree spread gradually getting darker until it was legible. There for the world to see, her adopted name and birth name connected to Bellatrix. Bellatrix cackled with glee and dragged Hermione towards her. "Mine! Mine! My Daughter! My Little Star!" Bellatrix shrieked and cackled with glee once again.

Hermione felt a sensation like an egg being cracked on her head rush over her. She was unrecognisable even to herself as she stared at the mirror in front of her. She looked like a young Bellatrix. Upon being claimed by Bellatrix and the glamour charm being removed, a potion was forced down Hermione's throat that erased the changes in her magic that had been made to accommodate her in her muggle family. The changes in her bone structure were light. The most noticeable change was her hair. Her old brown, curly hair was soft. There was nothing soft about its new black curls. 

As Bellatrix tried to take Hermione, Hermione started to shriek and try and go back to Ron and Harry and the Weasleys. "NO, NO HARRY, RON!!! HELP ME!!!"Hermione cried out in fear and sadness. "Come now my little star" Bellatrix cooed. Bellatrix then apparated to the Lestrange Manor. ( Hermione has her wand By The Way.) 

Bellatrix spent many hours herself taming the black hair into neat black ringlets. The Dark Witch had loved every second of changing Hermione's appearance. She had spelled off Hermione's clothes and forced Hermione into a warm bath and washed Hermione's hair herself. Hermione tried to protest. "No, leave me alone......" Hermione was hit with a Silencio and gave Hermione a Calming Draught Potion that relaxed Hermione so much that she couldn't stand on her own.

After the bath, a dress that was similar to Bellatrix's own dress and that was reminiscent of the Black Night Sky was spelled onto her along with black elbow length gloves. Stockings and long knee high Black boots were placed on her feet as Bellatrix did her make up. Black eye shadow and deep, dark red Lipstick were put on Hermione. This procedure was repeated every morning and every night when she was slipped into a black nightgown and tucked into bed like a small child by Bellatrix.

She tried to escape. She really did. A few times she managed to get through Bellatrix's wards with her wand. One time she made it all the way to the gates of the manor and almost got out, but Bellatrix always found her. "If you want to explore my little star, you must wait for me." She would lecture and coo as she dragged Hermione back. "Such a brave girl you are, but no need for that. Mum is here now. Just stay with mum." Bellatrix cooed in her sickeningly sweet and vile baby voice. After the time that Hermione got to the gate (the third time trying to escape.), Bellatrix incorporated ribbons into Hermione's outfits. These ribbons were magic as Hermione found out. Whenever she tried to sneak away under Bellatrix's notice, the ribbons would tighten so that Hermione couldn't breathe, much less walk. 

"Are you enjoying your new doll?" Bellatrix's husband Rodolphus asked one morning. 

"My daughter." Bellatrix hissed at her husband as she set Hermione's food in front of her. Hermione felt hot tears running down her face. This is not the life she wanted. She just wanted to get out of this nightmare that she was in. "Oh now look what you've done!" Bellatrix raged at her husband as she fussed over Hermione's makeup. "I knew I shouldn't have let you see her. Oh baby, don't worry, mum is here now. I'll send him away and then it will be just you and me like it is supposed to be." Bellatrix cooed. 

(Song I was listening to when I wrote/read this chapter - Numb by Jessica Lombard.)

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story. Please vote and comment. Until the next chapter y'all - Bellatrixriddlequeen      

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