CHAPTER 11: One Last Time

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(Let's pretend Yoongi is also a vocalist, shall we)

PLAY SONG (The Truth Untold Piano Version)

I saw Yoongi playing the piano calmly singing some parts along, from the door I stare at his presence while he has a calm and happy expression. That time I forgot what heave done to me and I see him as a normal and happy boy "nae unmyeongin geol don't smile on me, right on me" he sang along as he played the piano "Noege dagasoeol eupsunnikka naegen bulleojeol iruemi eoppseo" He is so talented but why does he always hides it "You know that I can't show you me, give you me" And why does he always act cold when he can be like this


Fine, So as I was saying Yoongi is good at playing piano, he mostly play it at the music room at lunch, dismissal, or early in the morning when no one's in school yet

I remember Tzuyu said Yoongi likes playing piano secretly, and I also remembered how I type that info to my phone happily but now I think I might cry

We know you can't forget him but think of yourself, there is nothing between you two and I don't want to say this but maybe he is really not the right person Tzuyu said patting my back Maybe there's someone else, besides you don't deserve someone who'll hurt you, you deserve someone She added and Yugyeom agreed Tzuyu is right, forget that jerk don't like that type of guy, promise us that you'll not like an ass head like him ever again! Yugyeom's silliness makes me smile and laugh which brightens the situation "Ne! I will!" I said and they laugh with me

Remembering my promise to Yugyeom and Tzuyu makes me wanna cry, and give up. I guess no one can really bear Yoongi, even if I try my best to do so. I wonder how I stayed trying all this long when I know I'll get hurt

Your just getting yourself hurt again Tzuyu warned I may get hurt but at least I can see a glimpse of him and be happy, even just for a second right? I said

All along I know I'll end up being hurt and I come up with the most stupidest excuse to make myself believe I can bare with him, but now I think I can never say that excuse again because I have to gave up and love myself


When I came back to reality Yoongi finishes playing the piano and our eyes meet, both with different expression. Mine which was sad and his which is happy


But then those expressions change into hatred and angry one. "What are you doing here!" he yelled at me "I came here to" I was going to give him the reason but he became even more angry "Excuses, excuses!" he yelled even more "Look will yo-you listen" I said but he pushed me to the ground "What will it take you just to stay away from me huh! You whore!" he yelled and that's it I can't take the pain anymore both mentally and physically "You always act the victim! When you're the one who always approach me, desperate bitch!" he yelled once again and I cried

This time without Tzuyu and Yugyeom are not by my side, I feel very small and as if the whole world was against me even there are just the two of us in the school "What you're going to cry again?! We'll fuck off because I won't even feel sorry for you!" he yelled once again not giving me time to at least defend my side "What did I do to make you this angry" I mumbled but he heard and look away then look back at me "Isn't it obvious! I hate you, and I will never like you!" he yelled once again

I decided to stand up and try to defend myself but he pushes me to the wall "Is this what you want to happen? Huh? A happy ever after story? Well you can't ever have it, because you're just a bitch wanting a kiss from every boy in school!" he said looking at me with an intense gaze but I pushed him and slap his face "All I just want to do is give you your fucking paper! Not to receive a freaking discrimination from you! I am not a whore or a bitch and I am not a desperate woman running after you! I rather like someone than you because right now I regret ever liking you! You piece of trash!" I said and he smirk "But you are, aren't you!" he talked back "Have you even see me do those things you tell!? Did you see me flirting with boys in this school! Did you ever see me talking to one except for Yugyeom and You! Do you think I also know the reason why I like you!? Do you know how hurt I am for all those words you say!" I yelled at him and I lose it I cried in front of him "And here I am liking the most meanest brat and son of a devil!" I added and he shut up "Here take you paper! Sorry if I intrude your alone time! And sorry if I happen to liked you!" I said throwing his paper to the ground and leave still crying

I went to our classroom to grab my stuffs. I look at my things in my desk and I started feeling tired, I don't even have the right amount of energy to walk. I tried my best to put my things in my bag as neat as possible and tried not to cry

But as I am walking out of the school campus I cried, I cried when I remember all of the things he said minutes ago, did he really think I am a whore, and a bitch when I spend all my life studying. "Right why would he know as if he cares" I said to myself while I continue walking "Why did I even agree to give him his paper when I agreed that I will avoid him" I added still crying

This time I will really avoid him no matter what it takes, and this time I will have to make sure that I will move on and forget whatever feelings I have for him..............

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