"Did you just say chica?".

"Yeah, did I say it right? That is the way you said girl in Spanish right?.

A smile played on her face

"Yes you said it right".

"Score one for lizzy".

We both chuckled.

"Thank you lizzy, I see why he choice you as his best friend".

"Actually I choice him to be my best friend, but don't tell him I said that".

She smiled and said "okay".

We continued with our packing.

"Did you heard from Andre?".

"Yeah, he's going to send-".

A knock at the door cut me off and I went to see who it was. I looked through the peek hole before opening the door and I saw it was Jacques all dress up with roses and I knew he was here to apologize to Maria.

"It's Jacques".

I whispered to Maria.

"He's all dressed up to with roses, I think he's here to apologize".

She smiled and looked around then pretend to be sad again and upset.

I opend the door and allowed him to enter inside.


He called her name so fragile


"Please look at me".

"I'm busy".

Maria seem to be playing off this act really well as I stood by the door looking at them.

"Maria please hear me out".

He begged her and she rolled her eyes.

"I am sorry for the way I spoke to you this morning, I shouldn't have let my emotions got the best of me. I was just in a really dark place in my mind but I promise I won't let that happen again. Please accept my apology".

"Well said Jay, I'm proud of you".

I whispered beneath my breath.

He gave her the roses and she gave him a kiss.

"I made plans for dinner, will you please join me?"

"Sí, me encantaría"

"English please".

He asked her and I laughed out aloud and put my hand over my mouth.

"Sorry! Please continue I am not here".

I said and place my hand back over my mouth.

"Yes I would love to".

She said which I think is the meaning of what she said in Spanish before.

"Okay, shall we go".

"Oh no, I have to help lizzy with the stuff".

"It's okay, go go go".

I went over and started shoving them through the door.

"But what about the stuff?".

Maria whine"

"Don't worry, Christian will be here soon".

"Who's Christian?".

She asked noisily

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