chapter 18

15 2 6

Wedding planning

Andre pov


"Yes, my love,"

She looked in my eyes as I looked right back into hers. I couldn't help myself but go back to the very first day I laid eyes on Elizabeth.


She broke me free from my thoughts.

"You were about to say something?"


I pulled her close to me.

"Let's let married tomorrow"


Before she could say anything else I cut her off.

"Yes, tomorrow, you can have your dream Elizabeth don't worry about it".

"That's the thing Andre, I never thought of having a dream wedding, I don't know what type of dress, I would like, or flavor cake, oh, well I know the flavour cake it has to be red velvet, but Andre that's too soon, what about the color theme or "

"Elisabeth, breathe"

I cut her off from her panic mode and pulled her in a hug.

"You'll be fine, just ask her aunt to help you I'm sure she already had plans for a dream wedding for you".

"You know what, you are probably right"

She said and we both laughed.

" But let's not do it tomorrow".

"Okay, so when will it be then?".

"How about on June 4th?".

"On my birthday?".

"Yes, so we'll have twice the celebration to look forward to".

She smirk while running her hands up and down on the buff of my pants. 

"Okay, June 4th it is, that's a month from now, that should be enough time for you to think of a dream wedding".

"Most certainly".

"Shall we go have dinner now, Mrs. Sanderson?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. Sanderson, that would be delightful".

As I opened the door for Elizabeth, it was Jammie standing on the other side listening to our conversations.

"Jammie, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I couldn't help but hearing that fantastic news, but I thought the wedding had already happened".

"That's none of your business Jammie, I have had it with. You seemed not understand your place, no more chances for you, Jammie Walker your contact is now terminated effective immediately".

"But, but, Mr.Sander-".

"Jammie, I had it with you, get out of my sight and go pack your things and leave".

"Let's go Elizabeth".

We both left Jammie standing there speechless.

"Let's stop by your aunt and break the news  to her, then we all can have dinner".

"That sounds good, let's do that".

When we got down stairs I ensure to inform HR that Jammie no longer works for me and that she should ensure that her file is terminated.

"Okay, Mr. Sanderson, you do have a nice day, as for you too Mrs. Sanderson".

"Oooh, the name is catching on quite well huh".

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