Story Behind A Broken Life ~*Chapter One*~

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Okayy guys i am soooo sorry it has been forever since ive uploaded and i hope you guys are still reading things. My life has been super hectic lately and with work and tring to get into school ad do everything i need to get in school it hasnt been anytime for me to write. this chapter has been complete for some time now but i just havent been able to uplaod it yet seeing as i just moved and i have no internet for the time being and no one to steal some off of lolx... but im sooo sorry again and i hope you guys. ive been racking my brain with this chapter trying to make it into something you guys might like and i hope you all do... enough with the chit chat... im just gonna let you guys get to the good part... the reading!!! hope you enjoy :)

Pic on the side... Eric Tomison


August 21, 2010

First Day of School

Senior Year

6:39 am

I sat in the school library with nothing to do. This was my usual daily routine to escape from the ritual that became my morning beatings from dad. He would come in my room I’d say about 6 every morning and wake me with either a blow to the face, stomach, or chocking me. It wasn’t too long ago I started coming to school early I’d say it started half way through junior year. October was the month to be exact. I made up a lie saying I need to be at school in the mornings a 6am for tutoring sessions and got Mr. Tomilson to vouch for me. He didn’t know why I asked him to and he didn’t ask any questions either he just did it. I will always be thankful to him for the many times he has helped me out or has tried to help me. I don’t think he really knows what’s exactly going on here seeing as I haven’t told him anything just asked for favors, but deep inside me I knew that he knew or he had some kind of idea what was happening. he most certainly knew what was going on at school because he was always there for me; he’s always watching out for me, standing up for me in my defense and he’s even came to my rescue quite a few times whether I was getting jumped in the halls or pushed around and tugged on he was always there for me and for those many things I will forever be in debt. 

I was sitting at the table on the vacant, cold, dark, and lonely end of the library with the forehead resting against the table. I was the only one here seeing as no one in their right mind would be at school this early in the morning and the library was always the only part in the school that was always open. It’s not like anyone was going to break into the library and steal books; not in this neighborhood anyway. I sat upright felt a tap on my right shoulder. Turning my head there was nothing so I swirled back around to my left side again nothing. Suddenly a very firm pair of hands were covering my eyes, whoever it was leaning so their mouth was close to my ear as I could fell t he cool breath on the back of it. Chills ran up and down my spine at the sensation I was feeling at the moment. The person standing behind me slipped my earlobe into their cool mouth and sucked on it sexual way. Closing my eyes I couldn’t fight the feeling that came over me; I knew who it was but still had some kind of a doubt maybe it was one of the football players playing a trick on me again. This isn’t the first time it would be happening and it wouldn’t be the last but I couldn’t just rule that option out. After a while of sucking on my earlobe and peppering kisses down the back and side of my neck he whispered into my ear.

“I’ve missed you Ave.” the deep voice filled the quiet space around us and at that very moment I knew exactly who it was. Turning around letting his hands dropped from my eyes. I pulled him into the biggest hug I had ever given him. I’d missed him so much, summer was hell and I never got to see him not one time. I didn’t have a phone because daddy thought it’d be a good way to let everybody know what was happening and like they say ‘What happens in this house, stays in this house.’ so I never had a cell phone and we didn’t have a home phone either so there was no way to tell the family secrets. I looked at him smiling, boy has he changed in the past three months his hair was cut shorter than the last time I’d seen him and he had it perfectly styled to the front like always. He started to grow out a beard-mustache combo thingy, you can tell it was new because it hadn’t fully grown in yet but he was sexy. He had on a light blue button down shirt and a pair of khaki pants that fit him very well along with a pair of brown dress shoes; his black leather school back was slug across his body and handing off his back. He gave me that hundred watt smile that made me fall for him so many times over but he’ll never know how I feel about him, he can never know because it’ll only him when I’m gone. So I hide my feelings from him and push him away every time I even think about getting close to him. I love him so much I really do but like I said he will never know. He can never find out. After a while of staring at him for a while with a huge smile on my face I pulled him back in for another hug.

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